Humanity forge

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Later that night, Matt attended the dinner as promised. He was pleased to see the food provided by his catering staff was ample but simple, due to SP1's observations.

SP1 informed the catering officer that the survivors were not accustomed to exotic foods. Their diet consisted of meat, grains, milk products and essential vegetables with very few embellishments. Matt didn't want to send them to bed with indigestion, embarrass or humiliate them by overdoing extravagance.

Seafood and peanuts were off the menu; in case anyone was allergic to it. The survivors could try more complex foods at their leisure when they were settled into lunar life. He knew the survivors were shell shocked with the sudden change. Matt put himself in their shoes and imagined how they must feel... Stripped from their world and everything they knew, then dumped into an alien environment without notice or preparation.

Matt was seated at the centre of the top tables with the visiting Luna dignitaries and the heroes of the Massif Central rescue. It was his customary duty as the Admiral, Commanding the Space Navy, and leader of the EIGHT to be the figure of authority at such public or military events.

Some things in military life never change. There must always be discipline and leaders must be revered and respected.

Seated with Matt were the Lunar Council Chairperson, Carl, Mayor Claremont, Marc, Josie, Alex, and Deborah from the Massif Central's 'Last Cavern' survivors.

The rest of the many tables held the remaining lunar immigrants and more than a hundred 'off duty' crew who wanted to attend. Matt apologised to the Lunar Chairperson, saying: "Storm's hangar is the only place large enough accommodate the hundreds of people joining us for this welcoming feast in one sitting."

The Chairperson replied: "I love it, Admiral. I wish I could get away more often, but my duties tie me to lunar city, anyway, a little birdy told me that we will have the pleasure of seeing our military might in action during the rescue and then you will share a revelation you had with a system-wide audience. I, for one, am on the edge of my seat with anticipation."

Matt said: "Well, Sir. SP1 made it all possible as you will soon see." He looked at his AI-com. The time to start had arrived according to the evening program. Excuse me, sir, I had best get to the lectern. The second half of my evening's work begins now."

Matt stood, He looked resplendent in his pure white, spotless naval dress uniform glittering with medals and ribbons awarded for past achievements and acts of bravery over the last century. By the time he had walked thirty paces to the lectern, the hangar had become silent. Every pair of eyes was riveted on him.

Matt stood in a relaxed posture behind the lectern, and as was his custom, focused on a person here and there from the audience, and he deliberately focused his eyes to look through the cameras, at an imagined face looking back at him. Matt believed this practice added a personal touch and lent his words more credence with his long-distance audience, as individuals.

He said: "Good evening, everyone. Tonight, I have the honour of addressing those here, with us on Storm, and the thousands joining us system-wide in this live broadcast.

"Before we begin the presentation, it's important to note that it was our newest colleague, SP1, and its use of Graviton technology that made this rescue possible. Graviton technology is SP1's equivalent of arms and legs." Matt moved his hands around, picked up his papers, and then moved the lectern, before placing it back on the floor.

Then Matt continued: "Those simple movements I showed you are what SP1 mimics with Graviton technology, but with 'never before' witnessed power. So far, this new technology is only incorporated into the SP1 spaceship and its Avatars. The SP1 ship has been operational for only a few short weeks before this emergency was bought to our attention, again, by SP1."

Gravity Wielder - Book 2 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now