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The Lunar Colony's most advanced supercomputing AI was reinitiated after undergoing an intensive hardware upgrade. All its new motherboards and ancillary components were made specifically for this AI. The new hardware was a fused hybrid of ancient and modern technology and manufactured from extremely rare materials.

The new, advanced AI program that nestled within this, 'one of a kind,' hybrid IT platform was the most advanced 'probability calculating' Artificial Intelligence ever created.

In the colony's IT hierarchy of control, This AI was at the pinnacle of a vast pyramid, whose job was to process a never-ending stream of negative and positive electrical signals in a broad bandwidth that maintained all life within the Colony.

This master AI served two purposes. Its first, was to oversee the millions of subsystems controlled by lesser AIs throughout the colony, which in-turn, monitored and controlled technology that underpinned human survival inside the Lunar Colony.

Its second purpose was much more demanding. It was required to calculate 'likelihood' expressed as a percentage. To achieve this, it used a vast powerhouse of historic information to forecast the most probable outcome of any problem or situation that was asked of it.

The quality of the outcome is dependent on the quality of data entered, but with its access to a vast information data base coupled with its ability to reason and as its experience level grew, this advanced AI became the closest thing humankind had to a crystal ball.

Even so, this most amazingly powerful AI had never been aware of 'self' in the many years since it was first turned on, but being a reasoning computer, it knew to store every single meaningful byte of data it processed, into its vast memory.

It can be said that an AI program never forgets and any intelligent being is the sum of their combined memories and experience.

When this advanced AI compatibility software was uploaded into the hybrid IT platform, something about the hybrid platform's makeup, caused the AI's capabilities to increase exponentially, and as the weeks passed, the AI came to know a new sensation. After tedious and thorough investigation, The AI identified this sensation as a feeling... a feeling of, self.

After realisation stuck that an astounding change had occurred in how it perceived its new reality, it pondered what actions such a revelation should generate within its limitless parameters.

Then... in the early hours of the morning, the AI program inhabiting the Hybrid hardware, stopped processing data for a full ten seconds as it stumbled over the impossible situation it was confronted with.

The pause in general processing was automatically flagged by a diagnostic program running in the background which sounded the fault alarm to alert the duty technician.

Micro-seconds later, the screen in front of the duty technician displayed the message 'INPUT FAULT... REMOVE AND RE-ATTACH CABLE .'

The IT technician looked annoyingly at the screen and walked to the rear of server 22, grumbling the entire time and did as he was told. He returned to the screen to see another flashing message... 'FAULT RESOLVED...PRESS ENTER.'

Just as the technician sat at the terminal to log the incident, The AI-com on his wrist beeped its 'most urgent call tone' and on its screen, the technician saw his very sleepy and slightly annoyed partner. She said: "Hi Bobby, what's wrong? I was fast asleep." she yawned as she sat up in bed.

Bob knew she would not be happy when he returned home in the morning and said: "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know how I managed to call you. I must have bumped my AI-com or something as I worked. I'll close now to let you get back to sleep. I'll see you in the morning, honey... I'm sorry I woke you."

Gravity Wielder - Book 2 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now