The Enemy

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Marc was struck speechless by SP1's words, and after a couple seconds floundering, asked: "SP1, are you saying that there is an actual alien spaceship less than half a million kilometres from us?"

SP1 said: "That is precisely what I'm saying Marc. That ship is an enemy scout, and they've been drifting closer day by day as if stalking us... like we are prey. I first saw them after we installed the SSA. It seems that the enemy has surrounded the entire solar system in a massive sphere. This is 'big news' day, for the GRAV team. I've woken Alex and Debbie as they need to hear it as well. They should be here any second now... Ah, speak of the devil. Good morning, guys, we're having an unplanned meeting as there is important news I must share. I was just telling Marc and Josie that we have discovered an alien scout ship less than half a million kilometres from our position and it is extremely interested in us."

By this time, Marc's initial shock at having the presence of aliens confirmed had now reduced, and he asked SP1: "Can it really be that bad? There's only one enemy ship, and you're the spaceship that controls the most powerful force in the universe. I mean, what other ship out there can hold a black hole in its belly. Surely, we're not in danger from one ship."

SP1 said: "There are a few more out there, than just this one. It's the reason that I wanted to call a meeting. We have been so busy with our research and meeting deadlines, that the rest of the Solar System has left us behind. We have some catching up to do, so now seemed the right time to bring you guys up to date."

SP1 spent the better part of an hour, talking about finding the ancient's spaceship and the re-discovery of sensor technology that has allowed humans to see the previously invisible enemy horde and many more system-wide issues.

Finally, SP1 said: "The clock is ticking, and if we're going to finish our final containment test today, then we have to start it in the next half an hour. If the test is a success, then we'll set course for Jupiter orbit where we will rendezvous with the main defence fleet."

"On a lighter note, I have a surprise planned for you. On the way to Jupiter, I intend to give you a super exciting treat as a reward for your diligent work. I won't tell you too much, but you will see what no others have seen in the history of humanity, and you'll see it with your own eyes. I promise that it'll be something to tell your children about."

"Okay, let's quickly talk about the enemy observing us from just over there behind Josie." Josie could not help but look over her shoulder to her colleague's amusement.

SP1 paused to let its team focus on him again and said: "Matt has ordered me to pretend we can't see them unless they choose to drop the whole stealth thing and under no circumstances, are we to expose our level of technology or our ability to control it. I think by that; he means that we are not allowed to turn this alien ship into a white-hot ball of metal thirty metres in diameter, so my options are limited to running like a wounded bird for now."

"I have a few strategic goals concerning this enemy that I really want to achieve before we leave, though. You'll see those very soon as our uninvited guests have been steadily approaching us for some time. I guess they don't want to tip their hand until they're in the best position to spring their trap... or whatever their plan is."

"Matt and Carl believe I'm an anomaly to the aliens, and they will want to capture and examine me, and he says that if they can't catch us, they'll try to destroy us."

"At their current speed, they'll be within five thousand kilometres of us by the time we're ready to leave tomorrow. I think that's when they'll act."

"Also, this new sensor system allows us to see out to twenty-five thousand 'AU' in a sphere with absolute clarity. That's way further than the distance from the sun to the Oort cloud surrounding our entire Solar system. Can you look at the holo-viewer?" The holo-viewer showed the same situation as Storm's Super Sensor Array.

Gravity Wielder - Book 2 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now