Chapter 8

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As I agreed to stay in Heaven before I would go check out Hell, I'll admit Heaven has its perks. Then I saw, my grandpa... Then I saw Norman, Byron and my old dog Baby.

But instead of running to them, I avoided them. I honestly just didn't want to hear any of it... Why I'm here, or you could've stayed for your mother...

My time was my time, sure it was kinda bad timing. But what isn't, honestly I'm glad to be outta that hell...

"Oh and you have to meet Lute!!" Emily squealed, which I looked at her and cocked my head to the side.

"Who?" I asked, which Emily smiled.

"She's one of my friends! I think you two would get along nicely!" Emily said, as she dragged me away.

As we walked I looked around and saw how bright and colourful Heaven is, it totally wasn't my vibe.. But I'll role with it, Em seems happy anyways.

"Oh there she is, Lute!!" Emily announces, which I just snapped my finger and made a grey and white hoodie appeared so I could hide myself.

"Oh um, hey Emily? Who's that?..." Lute spoke, seeming pissed.

"Oh she's new here, I thought you two would kick it off as well I don't know, being friends!" Emily squeaked, which I just hide my face.

As I could feel Lute's gaze upon me, I took the hood off and let my brown hair flow freely in its ponytail. Lute just snarled, as she looked at me.

"Honestly I think you got the wrong friend, I would try-" Lute was cut off, by someone.

"Hey Lute, umm who the fuck is this?" A man's voice spoke up, which I looked to my left and just cocked my head to the side.

"Oh! Hey Adam, im just showing a new angel around, I'm just trying to make her feel more welcome!" Emily giggled, which I looked at Em then back at Adam.

"Sup, I'm Adam." Adam spoke, which I waved as I put some hair behind my ear as I look at him.

"H-Hi... I'm (y/n), i-it's um nice to meet you." I say more like stutter out, as Adam smiles.

"It's nice to meet you too." Adam sticks his hand out, for me to shake.

Which I take his hand and shake it, then I pull my hand away as my face goes a bit pink. As usually I'm not the one for any of this shit, I'm more of a lone wolf.

"So I'm gonna go ummm, Adam you can handle showing her around or talking right?" Emily asks, which Adam just laughs.

"Oh come on Em, do you not know who you're talking to? I'm fucking Adam, I'm thee fucking man." Adam says proudly, which I smile.

Em gives Adam a thumbs up and flys away, then both Lute and Adam's gaze went to me and I went red as a tomato as they were kinda intimidating.. Well Lute was, Adam kinda...

"Sooo any hobbies or?" Adam asks, as Lute watches me carefully.

"Well I used to be in a band with my brother." I say, which Adam lights up.

"Wait actually I didn't know girls were still in bands, well I'm in a band myself. What position were you? Singer, drummer, lead guitarist, second guitarist or bass player??" Adam asks quickly, which I just smile softly.

"I was the lead singer and guitarist, my brother was second guitarist, Shy his friend was the bass player and Danny his best friend was the drummer." I smile, which Adam smirks.

"Bet you can't play as good as me." Adam says smartly, which I just rolled my eyes.

"Is that a challenge dickhead?" I say, which Adam frowns and narrows his eyebrows.

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