Chapter 10

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As I tossed and turned, I couldn't sleep.. Just knowing I'm not with my dogs and my mom, just makes this harder for me. I needed a drink, and no not apple juice... I needed hard liquor, I mean I did have access to all of Hell no conditions no restraints.

I got up as I looked in the mirror and thought of my second form, and snapped my fingers. In a blink of an eye, I was a demon which I did a twirl as I smiled. Then I snuck out of my house, and flew to the golden gates.

As I looked at Hell, I felt a hand on my shoulder so naturally I jumped and screamed.

"AHHHH! Awe fuck, Adam?? What are you doing here, d-did you follow me?" I looked at Adam, which he shrugged.

"Sorry I thought you were someone else, better get outta here demon. You know what happens once a year, don't forget." Adam said as he flew away, which I stood there confused.

Once a year?? What happens in Hell once a year, I swear to god he's fucking with me he should know it's me... Right...? I thought to myself, as I flew down to Hell.

Once I got there I was in sorta Hollywood part of Hell, just more sinister. As I walk around, I tried to look for a bar, club anything.

Which I bumped into someone, which I naturally almost fell until the demon caught me.

"Oh sorry chicita, ohhh are you looking for a job?" The demon spoke, which right away I knew it was a male.

I looked up to see a moth demon, with a Valentine's kinda look. I swear why do I attract, people who love Valentine's Day... I thought, as I realized he was still holding me so I made sure I kept my balance so he would let go of me.

"Ummm nooo, I'm just trying to take a breather. Thanks for the offer though, I-I'll keep it in mind." I say softly, which the moth demon smiled.

"Well if you do here, take my card. Ask for Valentino, and I'll make you a star." Valentino spoke, with a sinister smile.

Which I nodded and went on with my night, as I tried to find a bar or something. Ughhh I should've asked for a tour of Hell, or any connections- I thought then I bumped into someone again, as it's just my luck.

This time I didn't get caught, and I rubbed my head and looked up to see two girls. Which I knew either they were fake, or their just gonna be some rude cunts. The Blonde when was on the ground with me, and the long haired one helped her up.

"OH!!! Oh no, I am soo so so sorry! Um here let me help you!" The blonde girl spoke, as she lended me a hand.

I hesitated at first, but took her hand whatever consequences from this I'll take as I probably deserved it.

"Once again I'm so so sorry, umm.." The blonde one spoke, which I shrugged it off.

"It's alright.." I say dryly, which they both looked at me.

"Hey are you a fallen angel?" The long haired one spoke, which I shook my head no.

"Oh how rude of us, I'm Charlie and this is Vaggie." Charlie spoke, which I smiled.

"I'm (y/n), nice to meet you both." I say as I try to walk away, of course Charlie caught up to me.

"Hey if you need a place to stay, I own this hotel. Um here, follow these directions and you should find my hotel." Charlie spoke, which I looked at her.

"Is there a bar at this hotel?" I asked, which Charlie nodded.

"Alright I'll come with you guys, I need a drink and I don't know where anything is in Hell..." Which Vaggie looked at me, and at Charlie.

"Are you a new sinner?" Vaggie asked, which I looked down and put my black and white hoodie hoods up.

"It's complicated..." I say, which Vaggie didn't trust me but Charlie seemed too.

As we walked across Hell, we finally made it to Charlie's hotel. Which it was called Hazbin Hotel, I just shrugged as they brought me in.

I looked around, and saw a spider demon and a cat demon. As I looked around some more, some photos caught my attention as I saw Charlie with her family.

"Oh umm that's my dad, you may know him... As Lucifer-" I cut Charlie off, as I looked at her in shock.

"Ummm wait wait wait, your father is Lucifer Morningstar??? That makes you, the princess of Hell..." I say which I gulp, as I'm literally an angel just in demon form..

"Yeah, I thought you said you were new?" Vaggie said, as she grabbed a spear and held it to my throat.

"I-I AM!!! *huffs* I am, I just didn't expect to be in Royal hands is all..." I spoke, which Vaggie didn't take the spear away from my throat...

As I look around some more, I realized the cat demon was running the bar, so I sneak away to the bar.

"What can I get ya?" The cat demon spoke quite grumpily, which I looked at the menu.

"Do you have whiskey?" I asked, which the cat demon snickered.

"I don't think a pretty little lady like you, can handle a bottle of whiskey." The cat demon spoke, as the spider demon joined us.

"Oh come on Husker, let her have some fun." The spider demon spoke to the cat demon, now known as Husker.

"Oh and by the way don't call me pretty little lady whiskers." I smirk, as I got under Husk's fur.

"Ughhh, fine you bitch..." Husk spoke, as he poured me a shot well two shots.

"If you can handle two shots, the whole bottle is yours." Husk snarled, which I smirked at him.

As I downed the two shots not making a face, Husk seemed impressed so did the spider demon.

"Wow, she should be your drinking buddy Husky.~" The spider demon spoke, which made Husker hiss back.

"Shut the fuck up Angel, better yet shove this bottle down your throat so you can't talk." Husker snarled, which Angel just laughed.

"Come on I'm a famous pornstar, shoving a bottle down my throat won't shut me up. People pay me, Angel Dust big bucks for that!" Angel Dust sassed, which I laughed.

This hotel definitely has some spunk to it, but I can't stay here for the night, it depends how drunk I'll be...

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