Chapter 19

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Adam's POV

As a new day dawned in heaven, me and Sera had a little meeting about the extermination. Which of course she told me and the exterminators to be extra careful, I just shrugged it off. We're always careful, plus the bitches are crazy as fuck.

Me and (y/n) have been talking on and off, and I don't know if I want to settle down. As last time I did, both my wives left me.. I can't do it, but at the same time Lucifer can't go to (y/n) if she's up here...

Ughhh she's driving me crazy, I can't make up my mind or my heart because of this bitch... I'm the original dick, I can handle this... Breathe Adam, breathe... I thought to myself, as I walked to my office as I had paper work I needed to do...

Adam - bold
(Y/n) - tilted
Both - tilted and bold

Ooh, alright final take...
I say as I jot down a note, as I look up.

Uh oh, what have you done? Lock me up, I've fallen in love... Get me out of here, I say get me out of here!!!
I sing, as I get up to go for a walk.

And I have paperwork and shit I need to do.. Late assignments and papers overdue, I'm all out of tears... Blurry nights won't disappear!!
I walk down the hall, and look out the window on this somewhat gloomy day in heaven.

I was in my bed, I tried to sleep... I held my breath, I was too weak... You fell into, my open arms!! You'll break my heart, take it too far...
I sing as I go to the balcony, and take off.

But I don't care, this isn't fair... I love the way, you do your hair. I love the way you, write your name! I love the way...-
I sing as I land on a river bay, as I look at the water flowing.

You're driving me crazy, you're driving me mad! I keep dreaming of prairies, and memories we'll have...
I skip a rock, and look at the sky in defeat.

My lieutenant calls me lazy, my band calls me sad. Haven't been eating lately, and I haven't been at work...
I start to walk, as I hit rocks and sticks.

(Y/n)'s POV

Uh oh, how original! Girl meets boy, it's so predictable... Get me out of here, get me out of here... You've got shit you've, got to do. Left me there, just to think it through...
I sing as I lay in bed, looking at my poster Adam gave me of his band...

Facing all my fears, I've waited years and years. I get a feeling every time, I go to bed.. Are you thinking about me, or is it all just in my head?
I get up and look out my window, as the light rain pattern taps against my window in a melody.

'Cause I'm falling at the speed of light, can't keep up with the butterflies... Floating around, no sign of slowing down!
I go downstairs as I sit on my couch, as I look up at the ceiling.

I was in my bed, I tried to sleep. I held my breath, I was too weak. I fell into, your open arms! You'll break my heart, take it too far...
I sing as a tear drops from my eye, followed by two more.

But I don't care, this isn't fair... I love the way you, do your hair! I love the way you, write your name. I love the way!-
I get up and outside in the pouring rain, and fly as I do a barrel roll.

You're driving me crazy, you're driving me mad! I keep dreaming of prairies, and memories that we'll have!
As I fly, thunder boomed and lightning struck.

My mom calls me lazy, my friends call me sad... Haven't been eating lately, and I haven't been at home...

Third Person POV

(Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh!)
(Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh!)
The two sing, as (y/n) lands in the park as Adam, as the two found their way.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was in my bed, I tried to sleep. I held my breath, I was too weak...
We sing as we both, stepped closer to each other.

You fell into, my open arms!
I fell into, your open arms!
You'll break my heart, take it too far!
I stop as I look at Adam, he stops as well. As he gives me a comforting smile, which I giggle.

But I don't care, this isn't fair.. I love the way you, do your hair. I love the way you, write your name. I love the way...-
Adam gestures for me to take his hand, and I place my hand in his palm. As he gently wraps his hand, around mine.

You're driving me crazy, you're driving me mad! I keep dreaming of prairies, and memories that we'll have!
Adam pulls me in gently, and I look up at him with big eyes as he smiles.

My lieutenant calls me lazy, my band calls me sad. I haven't been eating lately, and I haven't been at work!
My mom calls me lazy, my friends call me sad. I haven't been eating lately, and I haven't been at home!
We sing, as he spins me once and pulls me close. As I'm on my tippy toes, cause he's much taller than me.

As we look at each other, I shy away by looking away. But Adam puts his pointer finger under my chin, and makes me look at me.

Once he does, his hand rests on my cheek as I melt into his touch.

"Look (y/n) you may or may not be the craziest bitch I've ever met, but please be careful wether you're mad at me or not... I don't want to lose you, do you understand me?" Adam asks, which I nod.

"So what are we? A-Are we friends, o-or what?..." I whimper, which Adam exhales.

"Let's start with this, no more seeing anyone." Adam smirks, as he moves his hands to my waist making me blush.

As he lifts me up, I wrap my legs around his waist. Then I wrap my arms around his neck, which Adam smirks.

"Nice tits babes." Adam teased, which I blushed so hard my ears were turning red.

"Oh shut up dickmaster." I squealed, which Adam smirked.

As I quickly looked around, I looked at Adam and kissed him which he was shocked but melted into the kiss as he grips my ass cheek with one hand which makes me gasp as he slips his tongue in.

As he explores my mouth, I think we both knew someone was watching us. But we didn't care, as we had each other. We didn't and wouldn't need, anybody else.

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