Headcanons pt 1

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Hey everyone, I know I need to be working on more chapters buuut! I wanted to do headcanons for Adam, idk if I'll do it from A-Z or I'll just say what I think or how I made Adam in this story. He is still the same asshole, but I always like to think he becomes soft around you.

You are the only person who knows who he really is under all that ego, I think Lucifer made him the way he is. I don't think he was a dickhead to begin with, I think after Lucifer swepted Lilith off her feet. He broke a little bit, and then Eve took the apple from Lucifer. Just made him furious, he always felt that women would leave him for any man or even Lucifer.

Soo we're gonna be starting with some asshole headcanons for Adam, then it'll turn to sweet ones!

1. When you're mad at him you punch his arm lightly, but he would punch your arm harder everytime you punch him. This either causes you to either stop, or continue until you both have a bruise on both you and Adam's arm.

2. When he feels like annoying you, he chews or drinks very loudly. Until you tell him to fuck off, or steal his food or drink.

3. He has one time, put red dye in your shampoo and conditioner bottle. As it was April Fools, he felt bad after words. But you kept it in your hair, until your hair was long enough to cut some of it off.

4. He will call you "bitch" "whore" "dumbass" or "hoe" out in public, sometimes in private but most of the time in private he calls you. "Babe" "babes" "baby" "sweet cheeks" and "sugar tits"

5. He shares his food with you and Lute ONLY. You because he has no choice, as you just steal his food with or without consent. Lute as she's his best friend and lieutenant, but when anybody else asks. He tells them to fuck off, and sticks his fuck off finger at them.

6. He loves video games, so he collects them. He collects every console as well, but his personal favourite is the PlayStation 3 he bought you a PlayStation 5 when it came out so you two could game out.

7. When he was reteaching you guitar, when you got a note wrong he would laugh at you. But then feel bad after, and correct you as he puts his hands on top of yours to help you understand better.

8. When you guys argue with each other, it's either like two toddlers or like you guys absolutely hate each other. But Adam would always make it up to you if he was in the wrong, same goes for you. Then y'all would be making out, in a heartbeat.

9. He talks shit about everyone to you, that includes his boss Sera.

10. If you didn't know guitar, you could count on Adam. As he would teach you guitar for hours, until you got it right.

11. When he's in a joking mood and you're hanging with friends, he'll text you when you protest against him. "Whatever bitch, I hate you 🖕" which you would kinda be hurt, but then at exact a minute he'll text you again. "Yk I love you, right asshole?"

12. Being mean and teasing you is half of his love language, which you have gotten used to it. As it's your love language too, so you can't get too mad at Adam.

13. Adam is the only one who can be mean to you, if he finds out someone has been bullying or disrespecting you or he sees that your distressed. Once he finds them, give him about five minutes alone with that person. They'll come back crying, and they'll apologize of ashamedness.

14. He treats like a best friend when he's in a mood, but he loves you like a soulmate.

15. Look if Adam loves you so much, he's personally chose you over Lute any day.

16. He definitely learns your favourite songs on guitar, then plays them for you. He has also learned what style your band is, so he try's his best to be the best for you.

17. Adam could lay or sit for hours with you doing absolutely nothing, or y'all would be watching movies and talking shit.

18. He is very touchy, he always has his arm wrapped around you or his hand on your thigh.

19. He's also very STUBBORN you cannot tell him no, it's not an option. Pretty much like you, you're probably more stubborn than he is.

20. He knows how to please his girl, he brings you your favourite flowers and chocolates. If he feels like he needs to step it up a notch, he'll take you out on a date either at the beach or the movies or at a fancy restaurant.

21. He will get offended if you thank him for anything, then he will be like "uhhh, it's my fucking job bruh."

22. He constantly needs to be reminded he is a good boyfriend, as two of his wives left him. He still thinks about Lilith and Eve, since you know the story you're always like "fuck them, they couldn't see what you had to offer. I see that clear as day, and I'm proud to call you mine."

23. If he needs attention and feels like being smartass about it, he'll say some smartass shit like. "Ugh, I wish SOMEONE could love me right now!" Then he'll stare into your eyes, which always makes you smile as you go and cuddle him or kiss him.

24. Has made a playlist for both of you on his Spotify, but he always thinks of taking it a step further and writing an entire album for the both of you.

25. You both don't like being away from each other for that long, as you guys sometimes can't function right.

26. When he's bored and you're out at the mall with friends he'll text some shit like, "bitch when are you coming back?" "What's taking so fucking long?"

27. He prefers to buy stuff for you, instead of homemade gifts.

28. He loves when he's the first to be awake, as he always wants to treat you like a badass bitch. So he cooks breakfast for you and if you're not up then, it's breakfast in bed.

29. He has def bought you a matching guitar, for your first extermination so you can use it and the demons would notice and the exorcists too.

30. When he feels like teasing you, he'll cuddle you like a baby. When you mention it, he denies everything you say and says you're lying.

31. He isn't used to getting gifts, but when you buy him gifts he showcases them either in his room or around the house.

32. He doesn't trust anyone to do his hair or badass eyeliner, he only lets you do it and if you're not around he does it. Sometimes you annoy him just to do his hair and eyeliner, which you don't stop until he says "yeah whatever." or "just don't mess it up."

So that's all the headcanons for this part, I will reread the last chapter and see where I'm gonna start writing! I love you all, I'm glad you all enjoy this book! Also thank you for 4.51k reads, I'm just glad y'all enjoy my books 🥹🥹

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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