Part 28

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Atem was walking back and fourth in the throneroom worried sick about you. For 3 days he had been like this. He couldnt sleep, he couldnt eat. Nothing. All his thoughts were occupied by you. Your smile, your laugh. Ever since you were brought back to the palace, all he hoped for was that youd be alright. Atem blamed himself for what happend to you. You got stabbed while all he could do was watch. He was supposed to protect you. You meant so much to him.

Isis and Seth stood by looking both worried for their king. They had never seen him like this before. Not even when his father passed. You must really mean alot to him if he is this worried about you. Isis stepped forward, stopping the young king in his Tracks. «You should eat my king. Walking aimlessly like this wont help anyone. All we can do is wait. Im sure y/n will wake up soon. She just needs her rest.»

Atem looked at Isis in defeat. She was right, but he couldnt help but worry about you. He needed to know you were gonna be okey. «You are right Isis. Im sorry for worrying you both. Ill retreat to my chambers. If she wakes, please tell me right away.»
With that Atem went to his room. Isis and Seth sighed in releaf. All they would do was wait for y/n to wake. They hoped she would wake soon.

On his way to his room, all atem could think was how he had dissaponted you to point that youd rather be with Bakura then with him, in the comforts of the palace. Noticing your bedroomdoor open, he decided to take a peak inside. Inside he saw your sleeping form. You were breathing softly, peacefully even. He sat down on the edge of your bed to just observe you for a moment. With your hand in his, he held it softly, praying to ra that you would wake soon.

«Please wake up y/n» atem pleaded softly. His heart was aching. He leaned over, giving your forhead a soft kiss before he left your room.
Upon entering his own room, atem took of his puzzle and put it down beside him. He went to sleep, all his thoughts filled with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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