Part 9

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Once you and Atem arrived at the royal garden, he quickly let go off your hand. You quickly missed the warmth from his larger hand, but said nothing about it. You had barely met him and yet you already had a strange feeling inside your chest. However, you quickly ignored the feeling and aimed your focus on the handsome man in front of you. You noticed all the beautiful flowers with water drops on them shining like diamonds with the reflections from the moon and stars in the clear sky. The light from the moon made the Nile sparkle with various colors. The Nile was located not too far from the palace. The scenery was the most beautiful you had seen your whole life. You smiled softly as you looked around with amazement.

Atem looked at you with curiosity, yet a look of amusement. He was glad you liked what he had to offer you. For some reason he wanted to always keep the lovely smile on your face, even though he had just met you. He chuckled softly, making you stop looking around you and start focusing on the pharaoh. You blushed a little, thinking you may have looked weird in front of him. Your cheeks changed color to a rather dark shade of red as you coughed awkwardly. Atem stepped forward, taking your hands in his. "I am rather glad you like this garden. It's my favorite place to be when I want to be by myself, or just escape my daily chores"

You laughed at the last remark as you smiled brightly. He smiled back at you as you stared into each other's eyes. The moonlight made his eyes even more beautiful, if that was even possible. You looked at each other, which felt like an eternity. Yet neither of you looked away. The silence was, however brutally interrupted by Mana running into the garden with something in her hand. You noticed it was your cellphone, and it was ringing..? You pulled away from Atem and ran over to Mana, taking your phone to see it was your little sister calling.

You pressed your phone to your ear, calling your sisters name. That was a big mistake. All you could hear was her screaming and crying at the other end of the phone. "Why the hell haven't you been answering when I have called you? I am worried sick and so is mum and dad!" You felt so bad that you could not comfort her, but how would you be able to do that when you do not know how you even got here in the first place? You tried to comfort her with your best ability. "I am so sorry, but last time I talked with you my phone died so I was surprised how it could recharge itself"

That did not help at all considering she started crying even louder now. "Please don't cry. I wish I could do something to go home, but I do not know how. Please tell mum and dad I am doing just fine and love them" You now only heard sniffles from the other side, which must mean she has calmed down. "F-Fine, but you better take the phone when I call you.. Please be careful (y/n)" then she hung up.

"What is that?" asked Atem and Mana at the same time as they pointed towards your phone. Now how will you explain what a phone is to people whom lived 5000 years ago? Yeah, though so. You began by telling them it's called a phone. They looked at you curiously. They both stepped closer to you. You shows them the phone. "We use it to communicate with people whom are far away from us. Just like you heard when I talked to my sister" Atem took your phone, inspecting it carefully, and clicking random buttons. "So you have a sister? What is her name and why is she not here with you?"

He gave you your phone back as he and Mana awaited your answers. "Yeah, I have a sister. Her name is Christina. Why she is not here with me is something I would like to know as well" You looked away sadly. Even though your sister was annoying, she was still your little sister, and you missed her dearly. Atem clearly saw the sadness in your eyes and immediately regretted he asked. "I-I am sorry for asking (y/n)." You smiled at him, with tears running down your cheek. "It's alright Atem, you didn't know" Atem whipped away your tears with his thumb as he caressed your cheek. "I promise as long as you stay here I will do my best as pharaoh to make you feel welcome (y/n)" You smiled at him with gratitude. Mana ran off doing whatever she was up to, leaving only you and Atem once again. Atem took your hand, leading you inside the palace.

 Inside you found Mana standing outside a room. She opened the door leading into a big bedroom. Atem lead you inside with Mana following behind. "This is where you will be sleeping while you are here. Much has happened today so I think a good night's sleep will do you good," said Atem, smiling softly. "T-Thank you so much Atem .. I hope I am not too much of a bot-" He cut you off before you could finish. "It's my pleasure (y/n), if you have any questions I will be in the bedroom across the hall. Come by if you need anything. I will see you in the morning (y/n)" He kissed your forehead and so he and Mana left you alone for the night. You could not help but blush as you went to bed for a good night sleep.



I really dont know where this is going, but here is another part.

~ Michelle    

Atem x Reader ✯ Princess Of EgyptWhere stories live. Discover now