Part 17

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Outside the palace you were greeted by Mahad with two horses, one black and one brown. Mahad bowed as you and Atem stepped infront of him. «My pharaoh, your horses are ready, please enjoy yourselves» Mahad left you two alone and went inside the palace. Atem hoped upon his horse as if it was nothing, you on the other hand, hadent ridden a horse in 3 years, making this task even harder then you thought. However, you took a deep breath and jumped on the horse without falling off. smiling in victory you turned to Atem, whom was already looking at you. «ready y/n?»

«I was born ready! Lead the way Atem» you said, smiling brighty as Atem lead the way, out of the palace, the city, into the egyptian deserts to ra knows where. For over an hour on horseback you and Atem had connected so much. You were laughing at each others jokes, you had told him about the time you blamed your sister of stealing the last cookie. He had told you about the time he and mana had gotten in trouble for skipping lessens and so fourth. For about another hour you kept on talking about the bad and good days and how diffrent yo guys actually had it, you being from the future and him from as you call it, ancient egypt.

Atem stopped in front of what seemed like a big forest/oasis(?). He jumped of his horse and walked over to you, bringing his hand over for you to take, which you gladly did. Jumping off the horse right into his arms. «waah, be careful y/n, i dont want you to get hurt» You blushed at how clumsy you were infront of him as you shyly laughed. «s-sorry atem, and thank you for catching me» you blushed madly as you noticed him still holding around you. He must have noticed it to since he suddnely withdrew his arms from around your waist. You missed his touch quickly but didnt say anything as you followed him into the oasis.

Atem gripped your hand tightly in fear of loosing you as you both walked through the trees. «how far till we get there Atem?» you asked as he started picking up his pace. He looked at as his smiled brightend even more. «soon» was all he said. He stopped suddenly, making you collide into his back. He placed his hand over your eyes. «i want it to be a surprise so close your eyes for me sweetheart» You closed your eyes as he told you to. «o-okay» you answered blushing again for the 100th time that day. «good girl» he whispered into your ear as he lead the way. You had goosebums all over. His voice was so deep and smooth.

You wanted to kiss him so bad, but you knew that would never happen. You were brought out of your thoughts when atem removed his hand from your eyes. «here we are y/n» said atem with a gentle smile. You had never seen anything more beautiful then what was laid infront of you. There was a waterfall falling from a huge mountain decorated by trees around it. There was also a river flowing through. «its beautiful atem! I love it» you said, hugging him tightly. He hugged you back just as tight. «i am so happy you like it. This is my present for you»

«Y-you shouldnt have Atem. I dont deserve all of this. You have been way to kind to me» You guys sat down in the grass, watching the beautiful scene in front of you. Atem held your face in his hands, moving it over so that you were looking into his beautiful violette eyes. «you deserve the best y/n, remember that»

Atem x Reader ✯ Princess Of EgyptWhere stories live. Discover now