Part 10

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You awoke the next morning rather early since you could not see the sun had arisen yet

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You awoke the next morning rather early since you could not see the sun had arisen yet. You decided to get dressed in your normal clothes because you were not fond of wearing dresses. You however chose to use the white shoes from the day before cause they were more comfortable then your own shoes. Deciding to take a walk, you brought with you your backpack, which contained your art supplies. Suddenly you realized the only places you knew were the main hall and the pharaohs garden .. and he was probably still asleep so it would be rude to wake him. "I'll just take a small walk to the royal garden and hope he won't get mad". Therefore, you went outside, into the big hallway, on your way to the garden as silently as possible.

Once you were outside you decided to climb onto the big tree so could get a better view of the garden and everything around you. Securing your backpack, you reached for the first branch and climbed until you were half way to the top. You sat down on the largest branch cross-legged. "This is nice," you said quietly to yourself, reaching for your art supplies. You quickly went through your book until you found a blank page, casually you looked around you for inspiration until you looked over at the Nile as the sun was about to rise over Egypt. The scenery was perfect, giving you the exact inspiration you needed.

After what felt like forever, you were finally done with your masterpiece. You smiled proudly at yourself as you carefully closed your book, putting back into your backpack. You were about to take a short nap when you heard your name being called from underneath you. You casually looked down, looking into the familiar green eyes belonging to no other than Mana. She tried to climb the up to you, but she just kept falling, making you let out a soft laugh as she pouted in defeat. Instead of her struggling to get up to you, you decided to get down to her instead. Throwing on your backpack, you quickly, yet carefully jumped down on each branch until you were standing face to face with an amazed yet stunned Mana. "H-how did you do that..?" asked Mana, getting all jumpy and excited.

You giggled, scratching the back of your head. "dunno, I climbed in trees a lot with my sister when I was younger so I guess it's just normal for me" you explained. Mana nodded in understanding. "What were you doing up there anyways?" she asked, awaiting your answer. "I woke up rather early so I wanted to get some inspiration to draw and that height was perfect to get a full view of the garden"

Before Mana could answer, you heard another familiar voice. It came from behind you. You looked behind you to see the pharaoh himself. He looked concerned. Was something wrong? Mana jumped on him, making him almost fall from the impact. "Good morning Atem" she shouted. Atem however brushed her off, leaving his full attention on you. You just stood there awkwardly, smiling at him. "G-Good morning pharaoh" you said casually. Atem looked you up and down, which concerned you a little. "Why aren't you wearing the dress Mana gave you yesterday? Did you not like it?" He almost looked sad. Now you felt guilty.

"It's not that I didn't like it, it's just that I don't really feel comfortable wearing them" you tried explaining. He smiled softly at you, making you blush a little. He had such a gentle smile. "I think you looked amazing in the dress," he said, making you blush and Mana squeal. She jumped on you, making you fall on the ground with a thud. She hugged you tightly. "You are just so cute!" Mana said, making you blush even more. Atem helped Mana get off you. Once she was up Atem helped you as well. You dusted yourself off, quickly thanking the pharaoh for helping you.

"Would you like to come inside to get some breakfast?" asked Atem, smiling softly at you. You smiled back as your stomach started to make noises, alerting you were hungry. You blushed million shades of red as Mana and Atem laughed. All three of you walked inside. Atem and Mana sat down besides each other at the big dining table at the mass hall. There were no one else there except the three of you. You assumed the others must have eaten since you were the only once there. Atem pointed to the seat beside him. You went over and sat down, putting your backpack beside you. The table had all kinds of delight. You decided to eat some fresh fruit. You could hear Atem and Mana chatting to each other but you weren't listening to them, you were busy spacing out, thinking about your family and how they were doing. You missed them, even though it had only been a few days.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" Atem asked, making you look at him. "I'm fine Atem. Just thinking" you casually replied. You went back to eating; joining in their conversation, with a single thought in mind, "maybe living here will not be so bad"

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