Chapter 3

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A Friday afternoon, as Eda was getting ready to leave.  She was taking care of a few things when she heard someone knocking on her door.  Eda turned around and saw Raine Standing at her door. She was reluctant to open it at first, considering what happened last time. Although she'd be lying if she said a part of her did want it to happen again. 

She opened the door, leaning against the frame. "Hey, do you need something?"  She asked. "N-no, I just.. Uh, wanted to know if... We could meet up sometime this weekend?" They asked.  Eda was surprised because their whole demeanor changed, it wasn't as bold as the last time. They seemed to be nervous while asking her the question.   The ginger-haired teacher couldn't help but giggle.  Raine's cheeks turned pink from embarrassment.  "S-sorry, il just go" they muttered, and took a step back.     Eda grabbed their arm and pulled them back.   "Hey no! Don't leave, I didn't mean to laugh" Eda said, a few small giggles still escaping her lips.  Raine found the sound of her laughter enchanting, as well as the way her smile made them smile as well. "Look, il kinda busy all weekend, but how about next weekend?" Eda suggested.  Raine smiled, and nodded, , yeah, sounds good, see you Monday, sunshine"  they said, then winked at her, and left.

Eda stood there shocked, her cheeks burning crimson red, trying to process what just happened.  She covered her face, then grabbed her things and went to her car. Eda looked at herself in her rearview mirror.  "Get it together clawthorne. You're fine," Eda said to herself. 

When Eda got home, she took a shower and put on pajama pants and a bra, but refused a shirt.  She sat in bed and picked up the romance novel she'd been reading.  It was the closest thing she felt she'd ever have to a real relationship.   She could always imagine someone in bed with her, holding her, and kissing her.  However, slowly the random figment of her imagination took form.. To Raine. She smiled while imagining they were holding her.   Eda closed her book, and lay down, looking at her empty ring finger. 

Maybe someone would come along... And fill it again

The next day, Eda was sitting on a metal container in the junkyard, watching her e special needs play, something they called firecracker roulette.  They built a catapult and launched small things in the air, hitting them with firecrackers they shot from a slingshot.  They asked Eda to be a witness so they could prove who was better.  Eda was just amused they their game and was just happy to see them acting like actual kids.  "Ready!? Fire!!" Cassandra yelled, then, pulled back the catapult and watched the old microwave fly into the air. Nakusa shot the firecracker and heard a huge bang, then the microwave fell near Eda, but not close enough not to scare her.  The microwave was completely broken now, and slightly on fire.  "Oo.. That's something you don't see every day" Eda joked, as Nakusa and Liam ran over to her. "Did it break!? Is it on fire!?" Nakusa asked. "Uh. Yeah! Great job" Eda said and rustled her hair. Lam then grabbed a long stick and kept poking the microwave.   "Jeez.. That thing is in a worse condition than my love life" Eda joked to herself. "What love life? Your single" Nakusa asked. 

Nakusa wasn't trying to be funny or mean, she's just brutally honest. Eda looked down and sighed.  She wasn't mad, or going to chew Nakusa out, just accepted it, because she was right.  "Nakusa! Don't be mean!" Cassandra scolded.  Eda chuckled. "Don't worry about it, in completely happy where I am in life right now"  Eda explained. "Denial is a river in Egypt... " Liam muttered. "Okay come on, that's not failed" Eda argued playfully. "No Liam's right, after reaching the age of, humans require some type of companionship from another human, whether is platonic or romantic depends on the person, and how their brain is wired"  Cassandra explained.  "Is that right?" Eda asked, in a curious tone.  Cassandra nodded as Nakusa took out her phone. "Mhm! For those who are people, pleasers require more friendships than a life partner, hopeless romantic types, depend heavily on a romantic partner for validation, and that's just off the top of my head"  Cassandra explained.  "Which one is Eda?" Liam asked. Eda hoped the answer to that would preserve her self-esteem. "Hm. Not sure actually, maybe a DNA sample would help" Cassandra suggested. "No-.. Nope, I'm good, I think I can go on with life without knowing" Eda blurted out nervously.   She'd like to keep what little self-esteem she had left, which was a lot harder when around teenagers.  

That's when a police car showed up at the entrance of the junkyard.  "Oh shit... Okay, kids fine to go!" Eda said, leading them out the back entrance. "Awh! But we still wanted to destroy stuff" Nakusa complained. "Maybe you can come back tomorrow," Eda said sternly and they left. Eda started walking home, after taking Nakusa, Liam, and Cassandra back to the orphanage they lived at to make sure nothing happened to them.  You could say Eda took on a parental role for them, but she could deny it if you ask.  

While walking she walked past a music store, and to her surprise saw Raine.  She stopped abruptly, seeing how well-dressed they were.  Eda started blushing and stared for a little bit until they happened to turn around and see her.  They turned away quickly, seeming nervous and worried that she was there.  Eda didn't notice, she was just distracted by how attractive they looked at that moment.   They were wearing a red button-up shirt and dark jeans.   She thought about going in, but she didn't want to look like she was stalking them or anything. 

Eda took a few steps back but bumped into someone behind her.  "Hey! Watch where you're going!" A man yelled. Eda turned around, seeing a man in a business suit, that was now stained with coffee. "Oh, I'm sorry! So so sorry" Eda exclaimed.   "You better be! This is worth more than your life!" He scolded.  Eda didn't expect him to say such a thing and it really hit her in a sensitive area. "Hey now, no need to be rude,"  Raine said, pulling Eda towards them. "I have a meeting in an hour! I can't go in like this!"  He yelled.  Raine kept Eda close, disliking the man's tone when speaking to her. "I'm sure we can come to some sort of understanding, it was an accident after all" Raine suggested.  

Eda held on to Raine, so grateful they came to her when they did. "Yeah! Pay for my damn dry cleaning!" The man yelled.  Raine scoffed rolling their eyes.  They then pulled out their wallet counted off 500 dollars, and handed it to the angry man. Eda was shocked and then felt guilty.   "Have a good day, sir" Raine said, then looked at Eda. "Are you alright, sunshine?"  They asked with a kind smile.  Eda looked down at the ground. "Raine.. Y-you didn't have to do that" Eda muttered. "I know, but I wanted to, besides I'm always happy to help you"   Raine explained.  They tried to get Eda to look at them but she refused.   "Edalyn.. Look at me, please?" They asked, and she finally looked at them.  "Raine.. That was 500 dollars, that's a lot of money" Eda whispered, the guilt on her face, shadowing her golden eyes.  "I-i mean I guess so, but I wanted to help you" Raine explained, then softly kissed her cheek. 

Eda looked at Raine surprised, then a small smile crept on her face. "See? There's that pretty smile"   Raine teased, making as cheeks turn red, as she looked away from them. "Oh shut up"  Eda scoffed and pulled away from them.  Raine chuckled, then asked. "Could.. I get your number. So we could talk sometime?" Raine asked.   Eda smiled at them. "Sure... Why not" Eda said and gave them her phone number. Raine gave her theirs, and she headed off.  

This could be a breakthrough, maybe this was her chance, the universe giving her a way out of the dark lonely path she'd been taking.

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