Chapter 11

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Eda woke up slowly, the sunlight shining on her face. She groaned, immediately feeling blight feathery kisses on her shoulders.   She smiled softly, nuzzling herself further in their chest.  Raine started stroking her hair, continuing to press light kisses on her shoulders. "That.. Is an amazing way to wake up" Eda sighed. Her voice was a little muffled since she had herself pressed against their chest.  "I'm glad.. I'm not sure how well you sleep alone, so I wanted to make you comfortable"  they said, and kissed her head. "You're a saint.. I love you" Eda giggled.   

Eda adored them, all the special ways they made her feel, were heaven. She felt nothing but bliss at this moment, except for the fact that her legs were completely useless.  Eda tried to move, but again couldn't move her legs. "What are you up to?" Raine teased.  "Nothing! I-i just want to be closer to you" Eda admitted.  Raine chuckled, holding her closer, as close as possible.  "You clingy this morning.. " Raine teased.   Eda played them no mind because she was happy.

She was actually truly happy. There was no loneliness anymore, she didn't feel like something was missing.  She was happy, and in love, and that's how she wanted it to stay.  She wanted to be this happy for the rest of her life, to be in love for the rest of her life.

After Raine took Eda home later that day, she took a shower for obvious reasons.  She then just lay in her bed, thinking and dreaming of the future. She never did that before because she'd always been afraid of the future.  But she didn't feel that way now, she was excited.

The next day, was the actual due date for the papers Eda assigned them.  "Okay, guys! I hope you are all done" Eda beamed, happier than ever and all her students could tell. A lot of them called out. "I'm all done!"   "I finished last week!" "I finished last night!" 

Eda felt proud of herself, then gave out a special surprise. "I know we only have a couple of days left of school, but I want you guys to know, that this paper was a completion grade" Eda announced. "So as long as you completed the assignment, you get an A on it anyway! I just wanted you guys to try your best and to help your grade a little" Eda explained. All her students were incredibly happy, which made Eda happy, and she sat on her desk. 
"This was your last assignment from me, so you guys can just do whatever you want, but make sure to put your papers on my desk before you leave. 

The rest of her class period went on normally but without her actually teaching a lesson. 

When the class ended, Raine came to see her as they did every day.  She smiled immediately when she saw them.   "Raine! Hi! What's up?" She beamed. Raine hugged her, right, then handed her a pen. "Here, you gonna need this,"  they said with a smile. "What? Raine, what the hell are you talking about?"  Eda asked very confused.   "Sweetheart, you should really give them those papers" they insisted.   Eda gasped, then looked up at them. "I-i.. Really?! Do you think I should?" She asked in disbelief.   

Raine nodded and kissed her head gently.    "I love you. And those kids love you, they may not say it but I can see it" Raine explained. Eda took her own slowly, then in her drawer where the adoption papers were.   "If.. I do this, and they say no.. " Eda muttered, and doubt clouded her judgment.   "They won't.. But you need to trust me" they said, and saw her smile. "Okay!.. Okay! I do it!" Eda beamed.    Right then, nakusa, Liam, and Cassandra climbed in through the window. "DAMNIT LIAM! YOU FUCKING RETA-... can't say that anymore" nakusa barked.  Eda chuckled. "Nakusa calm down! He didn't mean it" Cassandra argued. "Your words don't hurt, you think" Liam scoffed. "BITCH!?.. YOU WANNA GO!?" nakusa yelled.

"Hey hey, hold the fire, kids.. What happened?" Eda asked. "HE-.. Ugh!.. He lost my spot in line for the fresh cookies! For a funcking LEGO NINJAGO SET!!!"   Nakusa argued. "Ninja time.. " Liam muttered.  Eda laughed, as did Raine.   "Well.. We can bake some together.. And.. Maybe you guys could sign these to?." Eda suggested and handed them the adoption papers.   They all looked shocked, then looked at Eda in disbelief. "You.. Want to adopt all three of us?"  Cassandra asked. "Yeah.. I do, and I have for a while now, I've already signed everything I needed to, you just.. Have to sign your names" Eda explained.  All three teens looked at each other, then at Eda. "If we sign these.. Are you going to start crying?" Nakusa asked.

Eda did her best to hide her excitement and shook her head. "No! No.. I won't cry I promise" Eda assured, smiling wildly.  Nakusa, Liam, and Cassandra signed the papers, then handed them back to Eda who was already tearing up.  Raine was chuckling, at Eda who was resisting the urge to cry. "You literally just said you wouldn't cry" Nakusa scoffed. "I'm not crying" Eda whimpered, and turned to Raine. "Would anyone notice if we dropped her under a bridge..?" Liam asked. "Yeah.. A lot of people would notice" Cassandra sighed. "Damnit.. " nakusa cursed.

"Sweetheart.. Stop crying, it's all okay, you should be happy"  Raine assured her. "My kids love me.. " eda whimpered, now fully crying. "Love.. Is a very strong word.. " nakusa muttered. 

Her life was better from this day forward. She never felt lonely ever again.

Yeah yeah, I know. I just wanted to prove to myself I could write a story more than 5 chapters without killing anyone, and not ruining her life. So there. 

And the description was more of a way to keep myself motivated, since there was literally no conflict in this whatsoever. 

I have something more entertaining for myself coming up, either tonight or tomorrow morning. Whichever comes first. AND IT'S IN THE BOILING ISLES!! YAYY

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