Chapter 6

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An amazing Saturday so far, eda was relaxing in the best way possible. Watching Nakusa and Liam fight each other, while Cassandra sat next to her drawing in the dirt. If you asked them, nakusa and Liam don't know what started the fight, and honestly they've been looking for an excuse to fight each other all day. From a perspective, they were arguing about how to spell the word potato. It all escalated from the words to insulting each other.

Eda looked down at Cassandra, who was doing some type of equation in the diet, which made Eda chuckle. "Oh come on Cassie, math on the weekend?" Eda teased. "I like math! And it's for something else I'm working on" Cassandra explained. "Oh yeah? What's that?" Eda asked as she sat up. "How many years you can you without physical affection from a romantic partner until you'll be completely love-sick" Cassandra explained. "I'm sorry what-" Eda blurted out. "Mhm, I did the DNA test, and you rely on validation.. Like constantly, so I wanna see how long you can go before you desperate" Cassandra beamed.

Eda could only think of one thing to do in that moment because she didn't want the answer to that, and Cassandra would definitely tell her regardless. Eda took the plastic water bottle beside her and quickly opened it up, to pour it on the dirt where Cassandra was drawing her equation. "Hey! Edaaa!! How could you!? My math!" Cassandra complained. Eda looked away, scratching the back of her head, pretending like she didn't do anything.

Eda's insecurity goes deeper than Anyone could imagine, but she's gotten to a place in life where she's somewhat stable, and most importantly, she's Surviving. She doesn't cry every night anymore, she doesn't curse his name like she used to. She's better..

Eda sighed and looked down at Cassandra who was doing the same math on a piece of paper. Eda again acted fast and grabbed the piece of paper, crumbled it into a ball, and threw it behind her. She refused to go back to the dark place again, and she'd do anything to leave that hurt and pain of her life forever. "You lost this, edalyn," a voice behind her said. Eda looked behind her and saw Raines standing over her, smiling. Nakusa and Liam had stopped the fight by this time after Nakusa was kicked him nonstop for a while. "mx whispers?, hell nah, I'm out" Nakusa scowled. "What?" Eda asked with a small chuckle. "How come, kiddo?" She asked. "1 teacher around me at once is my limit! And you guys are gross!" Nakusa complained. Liam nodded in agreement.

Both adults laughed a little, at the silly children. "What makes us gross, exactly?" Raine asked, expecting some silly child to answer like they were old or something. "You guys keep flirting, and it's gross! Like damn, get a room or something" Nakusa replied. Cassandra agreed. "Yeah.. It is very inappropriate for a workplace" Both adults were a little pink in the cheeks "I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were watching" Eda muttered out of embarrassment. "What? No, we read your diary" nakusa scoffed.

Raine looked at Eda with a shit-eating grin, while Eda silently begged for the ground to swallow her whole. "A diary? Really, sunshine?" Raine teased. Eda covered her face, while the 3 children left. Raine took the chance to sit down next to her, snickering a little. "So.. Do you write about me?" Raine asked, in a teasing tone. "Shut up, Raine!! Fuck you!" Eda yelled, only hearing Raine laugh at her a little bit. "Sorry, sorry, I was just teasing," Raine said, then took her hand. Eda finally looked at them, smiling a little bit. "Those kids just might be the death of me.. " Eda joked.

She loved them to death, she considered those 3 her kids. Really hers. But they could be a bit much sometimes, but Eda didn't mind. They were hilarious and great company.

Raine chuckled, then said. "Might be, but I think they're good kids.. Right?" Raine asked. Eda scoffed. "Of course their food kids, just.. " Eda paused, then turned her gaze to them. "Just a little fucked up" she responded. Her tone got solemn as she could see the orphanage where Nakusa, Cassandra, and Liam lived. "What do you mean?" Raine asked, noticing her mood changing. "Their orphans, Raine.. " Eda replied, her heart aches for those kids, she doesn't know exactly how they lost their parents, but she believed they had to be affected somehow. "Oh..yeah.. That's so sad" Raine admitted, sympathizing with them. "I don't know what happened to their parents.. I've tried asking but they always tell me I don't want to know, the only thing I know is.. Cassandra's mother is still alive.. That's all I get" Eda said to them, Raine started slowly stroking her hair to make her feel better.

"Try not to stress about it, I'm sure they have a good reason to keep it a secret, doesn't mean they don't trust you" Eda smiled, then laid her head on their shoulder. "Can.. I tell you something crazy?" Eda asked, a small giggle coming from her. "Oh yeah? How crazy?" They asked, encouraging her. "Like.. It's never going not happen crazy" Eda replied, a smile making its way onto her face "Be my guest, sunshine" Raine answered, wondering what she could even say in a moment like this. "I.. Kind of want to adopt them" Eda admitted while sitting up. "Wait really?" Raine asked, completely caught off guard. "I know! I know! It's stupid! But.. I kinda already got the papers.. And I got checked to see if I'm eligible.. " Eda explained. She was blushing a little from how embarrassed she was. "No no! It's not stupid! It's actually really sweet, to give those kids a home" Raine assured her.

Eda bit her bottom lip, suddenly making a last-minute decision. She's never made an advance at them, because she couldn't bring herself to do so, and still fears the risk of something going wrong. But she didn't fear that anymore, Raine made her better, and she felt more secure with them. They weren't officially dating, but she wanted to. She could always just grow some balls and tell them how she felt, or she could grow bigger balls and actually do something about it.

The thoughts ran through her head, and her cheeks grew more colorful by the second. "Edalyn? Are you alright?" They asked she'd been continuously blushing and staring at the ground. Raine started to get worried, they grabbed her chin and guided her head so she was facing them. "Sweetheart.. Answer me" they pleaded softly, in a worried tone. Eda looked at them. "Are you alright?" They asked again, her hand slowly, feeling up their chest. "I am now.. " she answered, gripping their shirt, and pulling them in.

Every ounce of courage in her being, but slowly relaxed, feeling them kiss her back. Their hands were quickly on her, around her waist. Eda feeling deliciously in their grip, held their face, starting to smile as they held and kissed her. She pulled back slowly, hiding in the crook of their neck. She wasn't ready to face them, but still wanted to be close to them. Eda giggled a little, wrapping her arms around their neck. " by the way.. I'm going to a.. The event next week, do you want to go with me?" They asked. "Yeah.. Sure" Eda answered. "There's a dress code.. I get you a new dress" they explained. "What?!..raine you don't have to" Eda argued. "I want to..I happened to see one I think would look really nice on you" they explained. Eda saw how excited they were, so she reluctantly agreed. Raine then, took her hand, and kissed the back of it. " I can't wait.. " they gushed.

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