01,The begging

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"And here I am,finally looking at the love of my life and being the happiest I've ever been"
*But you might wanna know my story first.
Hi,I'm y/n and my life it's like a dream but it wasn't always like this.
The story starts 2 years back,when I didn't even know the beta squad,so let's go all the way back and explain.*
I was in my room,almost asleep in bed after a bad fight with my dad because he got drunk again when my mama(mom) comes in.
"Y/n I have to tell you something"-mom
"What's going on mama?"
"I have to tell you something,just because I can't stand seeing you like this anymore"-mom
"You are scaring me,what's up"
"I am not your real mother darling,your father had you with another woman"-mom
"..good joke" I say low key scared
"Y/n,I'm not joking,we were scared to tell you because I didn't want to lose you,you mom is actually in England"-mom
"I can't believe this.."
"Im sorry y/n,just know you always have me but you could talk to her,maybe get out of here.."-mom
"Mama I don't know what to say,do you..know my real mom?"
"Yes,I have her Facebook,she knows about you and wants you in her life"-mom
"I love you mama,but I'd like to talk to her"
After this my mama gives me my moms Facebook and I message her,she replies and we start talking.Soon i Find out she has a son,i was scared to text him But i got the courage to text him after some weeks.
"Y/n he's well known,he won't respond and if he does he will not believe me,I'm just stupid"
I say to myself
"Just a quick hello.but shit what I'm gonna say?HI IM YOUR LOST SISTER?no."
But I did it.I texted him.
*Hi Niko,you don't know me and I know this will sound weird but I'm your sister and we have the same mother.Ask her.I'll be waiting for a response*
"This is awful"I say after I sent it
"Now you just have to wait for him to respond"My mama says standing at the door frame
"You were listening?"
"I hope you don't mind"-mom
"I love you mama"
"I love you too sweetie-mom


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