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We get down while holding hands,without realizing
"Do we have lovebirds here?"-kenny asks pointing to our hands
"No,don't even think bout that" I say letting go of sharks's hand "I was wondering if I could spend the night here,it's kinda late"
"Perfect idea,we can watch a movie too"-Sophie says
"I'm perfectly ok with that,you can sleep in sharky's room"-chunkz
"Mhm"-sharky says

We get to the movie room and put on titanic
"It's my favorite movie,I always cry"-I say picking a pillow up and hugging it
"Me too girl"-Sophie
I was staying next to sharky and aj
"You girl are too soft"-aj
"You'll 100% cry aj,you little jokeman"
"That's absolutely true"-Niko
"Let's just play this"-sharky
At the middle of the movie,the making out in the car scene comes out
"That's something aj will never do"-darkest says
"Don't be mean,he'll probably do it by himself if he gets jealous"-I say laughing
"As if all you nonces have someone to do this with"-aj says annoyed
"I bet y/n will have with who"-Kenny says
"Shut up you naacas"-chunkz says stopping me from responding
"I bet they could be right"-sharky whispered in my ear
"You are such an idiot"-I say while blushing
The movie ended
"and now you know there was a man named jack Dawson,and that he saved me,in every way that a person can't be saved" I say along with the lady in the movie while crying
"This is so fucking sad"
"Why am I crying man"-aj says
"I told youu" I say as I give him a hug
"C'mon,let's go to sleep"-sharky says
"Mhm,good night everyone,love youuu"
"Night y/n"-everyone says while I leave with sharky
"Are you sure it's ok if I sleep with you?" I ask
"Yes y/n/n,I told you it's cool"-sharky
"Thank you,I knew I brought pj's and spare clothes with me for a reason"
"So you had in plan to sleep here huh?"-sharky asks as we get in the room
"I wasn't sure,but I wanted to be prepared" I say while I sit on the bed "damn your bed it's comfy"
"I know it is,I picked it for this reason"-sharky
"Can I go to the bathroom and get changed?"
"Sure,don't be long"-sharky
I get in the bathroom and change into some black satin pajamas,then I go back into sharkys room
"Hey there beautiful"-sharky says as he scanned my body
"What's you call me?" I say smiling,blushing a bit
"Beautiful,can I not call you that?"-sharky smirks
"I mean,I do like being called beautiful so you may"-I say I as I get into bed "so damn comfy"
"I'll go change,I'll be right back"-sharky says as he walks into his dressing
He comes back with only some red shorts and without his Durag,seems like he was hiding a beautiful curly hair
"Goddamn,your hair is amazing sharks" I've scanned every part of him at this moment
"Thank you,I don't really like it,gets into my eyes a lot"-he leans next to me in bed,while I was sitting with my legs crossed on my side of the bed
"You have a tattoo?"-sharky asks
"I have some,5 yet,but I want more to be fair"
"Can you show me them?"-he scorches closer to me
"I can show you 4,ones a tramp stamp"
"Show me then"-he gets curious
"So,one's on my arm,a heart that was drown by my grandma,I made it after she died"-I say showing him my arm
"Did it hurt?"-he takes my hand into his
"The tattoo or losing my grandma?" I ask with a smile
"Both"-he says but wasn't smiling,he was actually serious
"Uhm,no,the tattoo didn't hurt that much as I was expecting,but losing my grandma was the worst thing to be fair"
"Were you two close?"
"She was my literal angel,I also have a necklace that she gave me" and I show him a gold necklace,the only one on my neck
"Mhm,it's really cute"-he says looking genuine
"Thank you,the next tattoos are a moon and a sun at the back of my ears" and I turn my head to show him
"Did these ones hurt?"-sharky
"These hurt the most yet,but they look cool"
"Did you mean anything when you made them?"-he looks into my eyes
"No,literally just liked the design" I laugh
"The next one is the date when my sister was born" and I show him my finger,where I have it
"Mhm,you miss her?"-sharky
"Everyday,but I think they are better without me" I say looking a bit sad but still smiling
"You dad is an asshole,and excuse me for saying that"-sharky
"I guess he is,he really loves my sister tho"
"And the last one?"-he asks smiling,knowing what it is
"It's a tramp stamp,a red butterfly,I can show you if you want"
"Yes please"-sharky
I get on my knees in from of him,but not facing him,the wall and he sees it

We get to the movie room and put on titanic"It's my favorite movie,I always cry"-I say picking a pillow up and hugging it"Me too girl"-SophieI was staying next to sharky and aj"You girl are too soft"-aj"You'll 100% cry aj,you little jokeman""That'...

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(That's the tattoo)
"That had to hurt"he says,but not taking his eyes of it
I turn my body and face him again
"It did,but I absolutely love it"
"Mhm,they are all beautiful,just like you"-sharky says smirking again like an idiot
"Your making me blush,fucking stop" I cover my face with a pillow
"I love how bold you are,that's very aspiring if you ask me"-he says while talking my pillow and leans on the bed frame
"You do huh?" I smile
"Yea,I mean,not all girls are like you,you are really..likeable"-sharky
I look into his eyes,and then at his torso
"Can I hug you sharks?"
"Come here"-sharky
And I do as I say,I lean on his chest while he was playing with my hair
We've talked that night for hours nonstop,until I finally fell asleep

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