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"We're here,do you wanna come in?"-I ask sharky
"Sure,let me just park"-sharky
We go in my apartment and show around sharky
"What do you think?"
"It's really pretty,it just looks like it's your house"-sharky
"I don't even know what that means,anyway,just wait here,I'll go get changed for work"
"Ok,I'll go sit on the sofa"
I quickly brush my hair,put on a little concealer and get dressed like this

I go up at sharky and ask him"You like it?""Yes,you look beautiful"-sharky says smiling"Thank youuu,can you also drive me to work then?""Sure,now?"-sharky"Yes please,i can make you a free bouquet for your girlfriend or whatever""I don't have a gir...

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I go up at sharky and ask him
"You like it?"
"Yes,you look beautiful"-sharky says smiling
"Thank youuu,can you also drive me to work then?"
"Yes please,i can make you a free bouquet for your girlfriend or whatever"
"I don't have a girlfriend,chill out"-sharky says amused
"I though so,I just wanted to be nice"i Say with a Smile while i go out the door
"What do you mean by that?"-sharky says but I just ignore him
We get to the car and start driving
"It's like a 30 minute drive,so we will have to talk"
"About what huh?"-sharky
"Can I ask you things?to get to know you better"
"Go ahead"-sharky says looking at the road
"What sign are you?"
"A Capricorn,does it matter?"-sharky
"I always got along great with capricorns,I used to have a best friends that was Capricorn but she ended growing up really weird"
'How so?"-Sharky
"Well.." I say the whole story with this girl,talking a lot "sorry if I talk too much,I didn't realize"
"Nah it's cool,I like hearing you speak"-sharky says with a smile
"Weirdo" I say with a laugh
"Why's that weird?"-sharky says acting confused
"I guess it's cute aswell,But you don't really expect to head someone sayin that they like to head you speak,I like it tho."
"What do you think about me and the guys?"-sharky asks changing the subject
"I love you guys,you are so welcoming and I really feel like I belong here,especially with chunkz and darkest,they are another type of breed"
"They really are haha,so you love us huh?"he says with a smile
"You get what I mean sharky,don't overestimate yourself"I laugh
"Do you speak with anyone from Romania anymore?"-sharky
"My mama and my best friend,Daria"
"I didn't know you have a best friend"-sharky
"I've known her since we were three,she's pretty much my sister,he look very alike aswell"
"So you've got a twin?"-sharky smiles
"Not really,when we were little old people used to ask us if we are related tho"

And he just kept on yapping about every thing possible,I really enjoyed talking with sharky,I felt like I could've told him anything and he wouldn't judge me, I must be real tho,I found him attractive aswell,just like all the other girls.

"There it isss" I say while sharky parks the car
"Let's get in then"-sharky says while he gets out the car and opens the door for me aswell
"Why thank you" I smile "let me just open it,I usually come here first"
"So it's just you all day?"-sharky
"Most of the time,the owner is a rich old lady so she pays me good and also doesn't really come here,she told me when she dies that this could be mine" i tell him this while we get in
"You want to work here all life?-sharky
"I guess..I can be this or a teacher cuz that's what I learned in school"
"What are these?" He points to some sticky notes on the wall
"Lyrics,I wrote those so when people come in have a piece of my mind as well"
"They sound good,are you good at singing?"-sharky
"I always loved to sing,never sang to anyone since I was 10 tho,back then I used to go to practice and won some medals"
"So you are good at singing"-sharky
"I don't know,my voice changed since then"
"Sing to me"-sharky
"C'mon pleaseeee" He says with a smile
"Fine just-"
But the first customer comes in
"Hi,what could I help you with?"I ask with a polite tone,my voice completely changes when I use this voice
It was an old man,around 70 something "I would like a bouquet for my ma'am,but not something too expensive"
"Sure,I'll make it in just a moment" I take some beautiful purple flowers and make a big bouquet,even if it would've cost the man a lot more
"20 £ please"
"Are you sure lady?it looks more expensive"
"Yes,I am"
"Ok then.." He gives me the money then leaves
"That was so cute" I turn around only to see sharky still staring at the sticky notes
"It was,wasn't it?I wanna be like him when I'm all grown up"
"You already are an old man tho,what are you,thirty?"
"There's literally three years between us,shut it"
I just laugh
"Let me get on that bouquet I said I would make you"
"Don't,no need"-sharky says while he grabs my arm
"I insist" I turn around and now we are face to face
"Y/n/n I don't need it,trust me"-sharky
(Y/n/n-your nickname)
"What did you call me? I say smiling
"Y/n/n,I though it's easier than to call you y/n"-sharky
"I like that" I smile
"Glad,I have to get going,I have a shoot with Footasylum in an hour"-Sharky
"Ok,see you soon tho"
"You are invited at our house to dinner btw,forgot to tell you"-sharky
"Are you sure?I don't wanna interrupt anything"
"Yes very,bye y/n/n" He says as he walks out the door
I continue my job while feeling a thing in my stomach,I didn't know what it meant,or at least I didn't want to know..

My story with the beta squadWhere stories live. Discover now