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I woke up in the middle of the night because of the thunders and lightnings,I always have been scared of storms,so I decided to text sharky,to see if he's awake
Me:sharks,you sleeping?
Sharky:No,what's up y/n/n?
Me:I'm kinda scared of the thunders and shit,could I sleep with you?
Sharky:come here

I got up from bed and walked across the hall to sharkys room and I enter slowly
"You didn't have to call me,you could've just came"-Sharky says as he opens up his arms for me to hug him while he was in bed
"Sorry,I just didn't wanna wake you up or smth,plus,it's kinda ridiculous to be scared of thunders"-I say as I climb into bed and straight into sharkys arms
"It's not ridiculous,it's perfectly normal love"-sharky
We cuddled up for a while until a fell asleep,I didn't even care about the thunders outside,I felt Safe into his arms.

The next morning
I wake up in the same position how I fell asleep,sharky holding me tight while he was still sleeping
The rain stopped and everything was good,I look up the clock and see it's 8AM. Shit.
At 10 I have to be at work,and for that I have to leave at 9:30,so I had an hour and a half to get ready,drink coffee,and make breakfast
I suddenly try to get out of sharkys hands but he holds be back
"I have work sharks"
"Mm,and what?"-sharky mumbles with a sleepy voice
"And I have to get ready,I'll make breakfast too"
"Ok."-he says as he lets go of me and I immediately get up,open the door and leave
"Morning y/n,did you not sleep in your room?"-niko ,that's exactly what I needed right now
"Good morning niks,I really don't have time to talk but I slept in sharkys room because of the thunders last night"-I say while walking to my room and closing the door
I walk straight in the bathroom,take quick shower,do my hair and put an outfit on,I had to keep in mind that today I was meeting Dave at the studio
After all that I look at the clock 8:30,perfect
I leave my room and go down the stairs,that's where the boys were
"Goood morning y/n"-Kenny
All the others said good morning to me
"What do you guys want for breakfast?"
"What can you make us?"-chunkz
"So pancakes"-I say while I go into the kitchen and get ready to make the recipe
"So what's with you and sharks?"-chunkz appears literally from nowhere when I was making the pancakes
"What do you mean?"
"You slept in his room last night,I even took a pic"-chunkz says as he brings out his phone

(Please imagine that guy is sharky,I couldn't find a better pic, sorry)"You weird chunkz man,I am just scared of thunders so I went at sharkys to chill out""I get it,but you went to sharky"-chunkz"And your point is?""You could've gone to any of us...

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(Please imagine that guy is sharky,I couldn't find a better pic, sorry)
"You weird chunkz man,I am just scared of thunders so I went at sharkys to chill out"
"I get it,but you went to sharky"-chunkz
"And your point is?"
"You could've gone to any of us"-chunkz
"I just feel same with him,don't think too much into it,c'mon,pancakes done" I said as I got the pancakes along with the plates and syrup and brought them to the table
"Breakfast readyyy"-chunkz screams at the others
All the boys gather at the table and start eating
"Goddamn these are good"-Kenny
"Thank you y/n,finally someone in this house feeds us so aj don't have to order deliveroo anymore"-Niko
"Imagine how much money aj will have"-sharky says while laughing
"I'll be fucking millionaire"-aj laughs with him
While these guys were talking I went to make my coffee,I put in it a cup where I can take her at work with me and go back to the guys
"Hey,u hope it's not too much to ask but could I borrow someone's car today?I have many places to be in and I don't really like the Uber"
"Sure y/n,you could take mine"-aj says
"Oh fuck off aj"
If you don't know,aj doesn't have license,nor a car
"Jokes aside,you can take mine or sharkys,we aren't going nowhere today"-chunkz says
"Thank you so much,I'll take sharkys cuz yours is too big"
"I definitely believe that's the reason why"-chunkz says as he raises an eyebrow
"Piss off,I have to go now,bye guys,have a great day!"
"Wait for me,you'll drop me off at Starbucks"-sharky says as he puts a hoodie on him
"C'mon sharks"
We both get out and get in the car
"Why on earth is your seat so low?"
"Because I'm tall dumbass"-sharky tells me as he starts laughing at me
"There's literally 6 inches between us bruv"-I tell him as I start driving
"Why Starbucks?"
"I'm meeting with friend at a coffee"-sharky
"But you don't drink coffee sharks"
"I know,it's more of a meet up"-he says as he looks around in the car
"Girl or boy?"-I try to take a glance ay him
He looks at me and gives me a weird smile "Boy,don't worry"
"I am not worrying,you can do what you want with your life"
"Now your defensive,I like that"-sharky tells me with a grin
"We are here,piss off now"-I say as I unlock the doors
He gets out of the car "oh and one more thing,don break my car please"
I show him my middle finger as he closes the door and I drive off

It was a busy day at work and I haven't even had time to even look at the clock,it was good that I at least enjoyed what I was doing but I couldn't wait for this day to be over so I can meet up with dave
I look at the clock and see it was 5:12,18 more minutes and I could close
It finally got time to close,I turned off all the lights,took my bag and closed the shop,it was time to see Dave.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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