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"Passengers we are soon landing,please make sure you won't forget anything since this flight leaves again in a hour"
I finally wake up,grab my suitcase and wait for us to be able to leave
"I should text Niko"I say to myself but my phone already rings
"Y/n did you land?"-niko
"Yes just now,I'll be out of exit B"
"I'm waiting for you here"
My head was full of thoughts,*what if he don't likes me?*was all that i was thinking of.
I finally see him,a tall man in a black hoodie and sweaters,he didn't see me yet,and that when we make eye contact
"Niko!"I shout while I run towards him
He hugs me tight and I finally let all the tears out
"I couldn't do it anymore niko,I just wanted to leave that place.."
"Shhh,it's fine,your with me now.."-niko says caressing my hair
"I rented a good price lot,we are going there now,it's not big but I think it's good for you"-niko
"Thank you so much niko,I don't know what I would do without you" I say looking up at him
"Don't worry,I figured you wouldn't like living with me and the guys yet so.."-he picks up my suitcase and leads me to his car
"Nice car"
"Thank you y/n,c'mon let's go"-Niko
We got in the car and start driving to the place I was going to call my home.
"I hope you like it y/n"-Niko
"I'm sure I'll love it Niko,don't worry,also,thank you for taking care of me.."
"Y/n listen to me,we are family,and family help each other"-Niko says while we arrive and go upstairs
"This is beautiful Niko,is it in my budget for sure?"
"Yes,y/n don't worry,now go to sleep,in the morning we are going to look for a job for you"-Niko
"Wait Niko,before you leave-"
"What's up?"-Niko
"Thank you"I say hugging Niko
"You have absolutely nothing to thank me for y/n"-Niko

The next morning me and Niko went to look for a job,I found a cute little flower shop and they hired me,it was my dream to work somewhere with flowers in London,everything is getting better.

After some weeks Niko comes over at my place,he said he has something important to ask me.
"Y/n i came with a reason here"-Niko
"What's up?Something wrong?"
"No,I told the guys I have a sibling but I thought of a amazing video idea for beta squad"-Niko
"Guess my sibling"-Niko
"Guess you sibling?"I say laughing
"Yea,it's a great idea,you'll finally meet them aswell"-Niko says happy
"I'll do it then"
"Thank you,you're the best"-Niko
"Wait,when tho?"
"Tomorrow at 1 pm"-Niko
"Tomorrow??" I ask not knowing if I'm prepared yet
"Yes,so get ready,I have to leave now,bye I love you"-Niko says opening the door to leave"
"Love you too.."

My story with the beta squadWhere stories live. Discover now