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"We're here"-Niko says as I look in the window,I simple house full of lights.
"C'mon,lets go in"sharky says while he gives me his hand to get out the car,I ofc take it
"You think they'll like me?" I whisper to aj
"I'm sure they will don't worry y/n"-aj reassured me with a hand on my shoulder,aj was the same height as me,so it wasn't hard to whisper to him (I'm 5'8)
As we get to the door,a beautiful woman opens,turns out that was sharkys mom
(s/m-sharkys mom)
"Auntie s/m!!"-chunkz says as he hugs the woman
They all say hi to her and I'm the last
I bring my hand to shake it to her but she pulled me into a hug
"Don't do that dear,I heard beautiful things about you,shaking my hand makes me feel old"-s/m  says
"Hello miss,I'm so happy you let me come here with the boys" I say politely
"Oh please,call me s/m,sharky told me you are a nice girl,ofc I let him bring you"-s/m

We get into the house and that's when I see shakira,one one sharky's sisters,the birthday girl
"Hi shakiraa"-I say pulling her into a hug,I've talked on the phone with her before
"Y/n,I'm so happy you are here,all these people can be exhausting"-shakira says laughing
"I brought you a gift lovely,here" I bring out a cute gold necklace with a butterfly "hope you like it"
"Y/n I love it,thank you so so much"
"Where do I stay?" I ask shakira
"Next to sharky and avye"
(Avye is sharkys cousin)
I go to my place and sit down shaking hands with avye and getting to know him,in front of me at the table was staying sharky's auntie
"Why's she staring like that?"I whisper to sharky
"She's just skeptical,always has been,don't worry"-he whispers back
"Can I go outside to have a smoke quickly?" I say,still whispering to sharks
"Ofc,you can go in the back garden,ask my mom how to get there"-sharky
"Ok,thanks" I stand up and go in the kitchen at his mom
"S/m,could you show me how to get to the garden?"
"Sure love,you just go onto this hallway and there's a white glass door"-s/m says to me,pointing with her hand
"Thank you so much" I smile at her
I go out and light my cigarette inhaling the smoke
"How are you y/n?"-avye appears out of no where as he comes next to me
"Came to take a little break"-I say smiling at him and inhaling the smoke again
"What's between you and sharks?"-Avye
"What?" I ask,suddenly coughing
"I see the way he looks at you,he's lost in your eyes"-avye says smiling wide
"I don't think that's the case avye,me and sharky just get along well"-I reply
"Doesn't seem like it,but,if you say so"-he says,while still keeping that smile on his face
"Avye darling,could you get back to the others?Id like to talk to y/n"-s/m says as she comes right next to me
"I'm sorry,I'll throw this away now" I say referring to the cigarette,as I put my fingers on it and stop it
"You didn't have to darling,I just wanted you to have something"-s/m says as she hands me something,it was a ring
"What's this for s/m?"-I ask confused
"I have a good feeling about you,and I wanted you to have this,it's pretty old but I think it's beautiful,I've been wearing it my whole life"-s/m
It's was a beautiful silver ring,with an infinite sign in the middle full of small little diamonds
"This is beautiful,I say as I put it on my finger,I love it,thank you so much s/m"-I say as I hug her tight
"Now let's go back inside,I'm sure people are asking where you are"-s/m said as she grabbed my hand and we started walking inside
"You sure you don't want me to help in the kitchen?"-I ask s/m again
"Yes darling,go back there and have fun"-she looks at me with a beautiful smile

As I go back to the table I see my seat occupied by sharkys uncle,so I go sit next to his auntie
"Y/n,sit here"-she says as she gestures for me to sit next to her
"Hello auntie,it's very nice meeting you"-I say,as polite as I can be
"Y/n,I heard loads about you"-she says with a smile that scared the life out of me
"Good things I hope ma'am"-I say with a smile
She went and talked about her whole family with a tone in her voice that made me super uncomfortable for about 30 minutes until I hear chunkz call out for me
"I'm sorry ma'am but I have to go,it was really nice talking to you"-I say as I already have left my seat
I go up at chunkz and mouth "thank you"
"C'mon,we have to sing happy birthday,s/m is bringing the cake"-chunkz
Sharkys mom brings out the cake and we sing happy birthday,everything was amazing and everyone were happy
They all took photos with the cake while I was the photographer and I enjoyed it so much,I felt so welcomed
After the photos and everything sharky took me by the hand and dragged me into a room
"This was my room when I was still living here"-he said
"You were obsessed with football sharks"-I say laughing
"I guess,I saw that ring on your finger,and I wanted to ask you about it"-sharky
"Oh yea,I was about to tell you but your uncle was staying in my seat so I forgot,you mom have it to me,she said,and I quote "I have a good feeling about you""
"Yea,she can be like that sometimes"-he said scratching his head,while he took off his cap
"I can give it back if you want,I don't want it to be weird"-I say as I approach him
"No,keep it,if my mom gave it to you she means it"-he says looking into my eyes
While we were looking at each other,none of us saying a think,Niko barges in
"C'mon guys,party is over"-Niko
"We're coming"-I say acting as if nothing was happening
We said our goodbyes,hugged people,then finally left to go to our house,it seemed weird calling it that way but that's what it was,
my home.

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