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Niko finally responded after 2 days,I was so scared to look but I knew I had to
"Hi y/n,I talked with my mom and she told me everything,it's amazing that I have another sister,just know you can chat to me for everything"-Niko
*what do I say?* I think to myself,but I start getting really close to Niko
He found out about my father and all the abusing so he told me I could come anytime in London but I refused
"Hi Niko,my mama told me to ask you if you want me to send you any sweets from Romania to try"I send him,my mama really liked him
"Y/n,yes please,I'd be an incredible video idea"-Niko
"Just send me the address then"
He sends it to me and I give him all kind of sweet and snacks
Aster some weeks the food arrives and he texts me
"They just came and I filmed I video with aj about them,thank you so much"-Niko
"No problem niko,it was my pleasure to do it"
I loved making others happy

But life wasn't as happy as it seemed,my father was getting drunk more often than usual,always hitting everything and everyone,until one night when I've had enough.
It was the middle of the night,I was almost asleep when I feel someone come in,it was my dad and he was holding something.
I try to see what it is but I couldn't see right because of the darkness,I squint my eyes and I finally see,A fucking knife.He was going to kill me.
I stand up quickly,push him away,grabbed my suitcase and ran.
I always had a suitcase with necessities just in case,because I knew what my father could do,and this was the moment I knew I had to get out.
I text Niko while I get on a taxi
"Niko it's kind of weird but you know how you told me I'm always welcome at your home?"
I had money saved up so I really hoped I could get a little apartment in London.a small one
After some minutes Niko calls me
"yea sure ofc,why are you asking?"-niko
"Can I come now?"I say while my lip trembles from the things that just happened
"What"Niko says confused
"Something happened at home,I can't take it no more Niko,can I come to London?"
"Y/n you can always come,should I look for a cheap flat?"-niko
"Yes please..I have a flight at 05:00 AM" It was 03:45 AM
"What happened y/n?"-niko
"Ill tell you when i see you.." i Say trying not to cry
"Ill Take you from the AirPort,dont worry"-Niko
"I have to go now,i arrived to the airport"
I take my suitcase from the cab and get into the airport,knowing this is the moment my life changes.
And before you ask,no,I haven't just left my mama without telling her,I called her just after I got out of the house,she knew I left,and she knew it was for the better.I'll fucking miss them.
I go through checkings and it's finally time to get on the airplane,I get on and I have a window seat.I close my eyes and fall asleep.

My story with the beta squadWhere stories live. Discover now