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The next day it was filming day.I was literally meeting Dave,THE Dave,I was so excited
I was in my room,just getting dressed when I hear a knock
"Come in!"
"You ready y/n?"-sharky
"Yea,I'm just putting on my listick and I'm coming downstairs"
"Good,you look amazing by the way,I like the outfit"-sharky says with a little grin

*I was dressed like this*"Thanks sharks,I'm done,let's go"-I say as I take him by his hand and drag him down the stairs "Good morninggg"-I say to everyone while they were putting on their shoes"Mornin' y/n,you look beautiful"-chunkz"Thanks chunkz,...

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*I was dressed like this*
"Thanks sharks,I'm done,let's go"-I say as I take him by his hand and drag him down the stairs
"Good morninggg"-I say to everyone while they were putting on their shoes
"Mornin' y/n,you look beautiful"-chunkz
"Thanks chunkz,I appreciate it,are you all ready?"
"Yea,we gotta be there in 40 minutes"-Niko
"And,we gotta go with 3 cars"-aj
"Three for what?"-kenny
"Producers and us, Kenny,even I got it and I just came downstairs"-me
"Oh,yea,so how are we gonna go?"-kenny
"Me,y/n,sharky,Kenny and aj in one car,Niko,George...."-Chunkz says as he makes the whole leaving plan,he was always making sure we all fit
"Perfect,c'mon we don't wanna be late"-sharky says as he opens the door
As I walk out the door I hear sharky say "ladies first" and that made me giggle like a little girl

We get there and prepare everything
"Any emotions?"-aj asks me,I got along with aj very well since the first day
"Trust me,they are through the roof aj"-I say,trying to laugh it out
"It'll be great,don't worry girl"-Kenny says as he appears out of no where and puts his hand on my arm
"Thank you ken,where's Dave by the way,he was supposed to be here already"
"Chunkz just talked with him,he's coming in like 10"-aj
"Good,have you seen sharks?" I ask as I look around
"I think he's in the balcony,he was talking on the phone"-Kenny
"Thank you love youu" I say while I go up to the balcony
"Yea mom thank you,bye"-I hear sharky say through the phone
"Do I interrupt?" Now I was already next to him
"Not at all,how are you y/n/n?We didn't get to talk much"-sharky
"I'm great,a little bit scared that my camera fear will show,but thats all"
"I'm sure you'll be amazing,come here" Sharky opens his arms and hugs me,I felt like I fit perfectly in his arms,I am a tall girl in my opinion,I'm 5'8 and he is 6'1
"Thanks sharks"
"No problem,you can always come at me,you know that love"-sharky
"I like that nickname better than any other one that I have" I say as I look up at him,we were really close
"Mhm,then I'll call you that more often"-sharky
"That's cute,I-"
But I was cut off by the Amazing Kenny that screamed at us to announce that we are starting and that Dave finally came
"C'mon"-I say
And that's when I fucking see him,Dave,I loved his music so much
"Here she is,y/n come here"-chunkz
"Hi,I'm Dave"-Dave says as he held a hand for me to shake it
"I'm Y/n,it's really nice meeting you,I literally love your music"
"I told Dave about your songs and how you sent some songs to the studio"-chunkz
"Oh yea,I don't think they are that great tho,doesn't really matter"-I say as I try to laugh about them
"Nah,I'm sure you have an amazing voice,I can tell"-Dave
"I gave him some parts of your songs"-sharky says as he puts a hand around chunkz
"Thank you guys,but the producers didn't even respond yet"
"And I can help with that,you could first write me some lyrics and then I'll make them know that you are amazing at singing aswell,not only writing"-Dave
"Would you really?Thank you so much man"
"No problem darlin',it's really my pleasure"-Dave
"Enough chat,video time"-chunkz
"Everyone at their places!"-our Director Lloyd says
We got to our seats and we're all ready
"Today on Beta squad,we are gonna guess the musician,with two very special guests,y/n and Dave!"-Aj
"As you lot may know y/n is Nikos sister,AMD from now on she's gonna be in many videos with us,And well,Dave is flipping Dave,the amazing singer"-Chunkz
"Don't know how we got him,but I can tell you he's great"-Sharky
"Hahah,thank you guys"-Dave says with a wide smile,cute smile by the way
"Bring in the people"-Kenny
All of the people come in and stay in their places,from 1 to 5
"The first guy definitely isn't a singer"-Dave
"Don't jump to conclusions"-sharky
The first round we couldn't get anyone go,so we went to the second one,where each one of them had to sing..
"Let's start,number one.."-Niko
And that was the whole day,I had so much fun even tho we lost
Because of the dumbass sharky and Dave we took out the musician second round and that sucked
But I loved every second of it,i even talked for the next day with Dave to meet up and make a song,I had an idea of what it could be,but I was a little bit worried that he wouldn't like it

At home
"This day was exhausting"-Kenny says as he takes a beer and jumps on the couch
"I second that"-I say laying next to him
"At least we got Dave on beta squad you get me?"-chunkz
"Very true,I talked with him and we are meeting up tomorrow after work" I say while gesturing at Kenny to give me a sip
"That's awesome y/n,you really deserve that"-Kenny tells me as I lean on his shoulder
"I think I'm going to shower then sleep,I'm tired and tomorrow I have to be at work at 10 or something like that" When I finished that sentence I was already at the stairs
"Night y/n love youu"-chunkz
"Good night y/n"-aj
After I heard good night from all of them I finally got into my room and straight into the shower
I did an everything shower so,if I got in at,let's say 10:25,I got out at 11:40,I always have loved showers
After,I got dressed I got straight into bed,opened my purple LED's and fell asleep.

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