Chapter 21-30

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Chapter 21

At night, after exercising, Li Xia slowly said: "My second brother is in trouble this time, and he definitely doesn't have enough money. I promised my father to borrow money..." "

Of course I have to help with this kind of thing. You have the financial power in our family, so we need It's up to you to decide how much." She

seemed to understand him very well in a short period of time, and this was what she expected. She was very moved in her heart, but she was not good at talking, and she could not learn the coquettish skills of others. I will keep this childhood love in my heart silently. If you love the house and the bird, I will do the same to your family.

"What I want to tell you is to pay back the money. I know the income in rural areas. Now that the land reform has just begun, the most urgent problem for our family is not only food and clothing, but also housing. I don't know when they can pay back this money."

Li Xia After saying this, she felt a little nervous, but actually she didn't need to say it. Just save some private money and say that your parents' family will pay it off. Moreover, my father had money with him, but it was accumulated by the family over the years, and the house was still waiting to be repaired. She is capable now. In her previous life, she was single and raising children, and her mother's family helped her a lot. Now she cannot ignore her mother's family when encountering such an emergency.

She did this to test his attitude, and there was no telling what would happen to her parents' family in the future. You know where his bottom line is and you can speak and act in a measured manner.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if we have better conditions and more help. Your parents have raised you so well, so you should give back appropriately." "

Well, thank you."

She thought about these two words secretly. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of money. When money reaches a certain level, this small amount of money will be nothing. In this new life, I want to live a good life for myself, and I also want to help my parents' family. Make money and solve most of the worries in life.

The next day, she found someone to help her at the Baozi Shop. As for whether outsiders would line their own pockets, she thought it would be fine as long as it didn't exceed the limit. She is already very good at selling steamed buns and cannot be fooled easily.

I made time for myself and started walking around the streets, thinking about what business I could do to make money. The time is not right to start the home appliance business now, and the smuggling job is illegal. If she doesn't do it, then she will only have food and clothing.

After wandering around the market for a few days, the second brother's swelling was also reduced and he was preparing for surgery. In the morning, we were waiting for the surgery to come out. When the doctor said it went well, everyone felt relieved.

In the afternoon, she went home with her old father and took a detour to the entrance of the shopping mall to take a look. I bought a can of milk powder to replenish my second brother's health, but the salesperson's nostrils turned upward remained the same.

"We will be self-financed in the 1990s. Only then would there be rental counters and private businesses."

She stood at the door of the state-owned shopping mall and muttered. The old man looked back at her and looked at her in shock, reaching out and patting her. "What are you muttering about?"

"How to make money."

"Isn't your bun shop making money?"

The old man was a little panicked. Whether his daughter made money or not gave him completely different confidence. Although she is a married daughter, she can make money on her own and her parents need help, so she can be more assertive. If it's all up to the son-in-law, then maybe he shouldn't ask for the money borrowed from his daughter. Her mother's family is holding her back, and her daughter cannot straighten her waist in front of her son-in-law.

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