Chapter 1-10

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Chapter 1

"Li Xia, don't mess around here. Marriage is free, and you can divorce it if you can marry it. It doesn't make sense for you to behave like this." "She is just

a shrew, what reason can you tell her?" The youngest sister of the Fang family was furious and shouted The elder brother yelled: "Take her and throw her out. There are so many people in our family, are we going to let her get entangled like this?"

The two grown men looked at each other and felt that it was not appropriate. One by one, they turned their attention to the boss. As the party involved, the boss Fang Zhongcheng looked at Alexander.

The one who was crying, fussing and hanging on the ground was his wife. Her making such fuss gave him a headache and made him feel embarrassed. He wanted to get divorced when he entered college, but now that he has been assigned a job after graduation, he must not delay this matter any longer.


Seeing that no one could take the rope from the woman's hand, she cried and made a fuss and tried to pull the rope up to the beam. He raised his hand and slapped her hard, causing the woman to fall to the ground.

"Stop making a fuss. What are you making a fuss about? There are so many divorced people, but no one is as crying and crazy as you. Tell yourself, which man would be willing to have a shrew like you? He also said that for the sake of the children, the children don't want you to be like this. Mom..."

"Dad, mom, don't move."

He slapped the woman and threw her to the ground. It was just a simple slap, but he didn't care. I was venting my dissatisfaction there, and I didn't notice that she didn't move at all with her eyes closed. The two children called her, but she didn't respond at all.

Hearing his daughter speak, he finally stopped. Seeing that she was indeed motionless, he suddenly panicked. Couldn't he have beaten someone to death with just one slap?

He was stunned and stood still. The second brother reacted and squatted down, reaching out to feel that the woman was still alive. I patted my chest and raised my head to tell my family that it was okay.

"I'm breathing and heartbeating, maybe I fainted from anger."

"Then what should I do now?"

"I'll scoop up a ladle of cold water and keep it. I'll wake up when I splash it."

The youngest sister ran to scoop up a ladle of cold water and poured it on the ground. The woman's face was splashed. She has been married to the eldest son of the Fang family for many years, but the family actually does not regard her as a member of the family at all.

The eldest son of the Fang family wants to divorce her, and the whole family supports it. The sisters came together to persuade him, but his parents hid outside for fear of being known as a bully.

Li Xia took a sharp breath, shuddered and opened her eyes. The scene in front of her made her confused and didn't know how to react. In the empty night, she turned on the TV alone and was in a daze. She had been suffering from insomnia for a long time and thought it would be another sleepless night. But what is the situation now?

"Look, he's awake." The little girl was close enough to see clearly, and her words were extremely mean. "I'm just saying that this kind of woman is very lucky. She won't be able to die even if we all torture her to death. Brother, don't be afraid of her. Take her to the Civil Affairs Bureau. Even if you are in a de facto marriage, you have to go through divorce procedures, otherwise she will get entangled. "

The boss sighed and looked at the two women on the ground with indifferent eyes. Li Xia, who had just woken up, turned her head and looked around. When she saw her seven-year-old daughter, she reached out and pulled the child to her.

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