Chapter 1

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The birds fluttered overhead though none of them knew that the apprentice was there. Slowly, Foxpaw crept forward. There was a large thrush pecking seeds that lay on a rock only a couple of tail-lengths away. This is too easy. Foxpaw thought as he wriggled his haunches, ready to pounce. Now! Foxpaw leaped and landed directly onto the feathery creature.

"Good catch!" Foxpaw turned to see his mentor, Amberfire, looking at him. He puffed out his chest and flicked an ear. "That bird was practically waiting to be caught." He said proudly. Amberfire smiled before shaking her pelt. "It's getting chilly." Foxpaw sniffed. I have shorter fur than her and I'm not cold! He thought begrudgingly. "I wonder why? Is it leaf-fall or something?" He asked sarcastically. Amberfire rolled her eyes lightheartedly. "C'mon, let's collect our prey and head back to camp." She stated. Foxpaw then ambled over to the spot he burried his prey and started digging them up one by one.

In all, Amberfire and Foxpaw had caught two mice, a squirrel, and Foxpaw's thrush. I did pretty good today. He remarked to himself. Foxpaw looked at Amberfire. Her eyes showed him that she was thinking about something other than going back to camp. Why should I care? Foxpaw asked himself. Her business is her own not mine. But still, Foxpaw wished his mentor would speak or pay attention to where the two were going.

On their way back, Foxpaw had to snap Amberfire out of her thoughts many times. The tabby she-cat had almost hit a tree once and gone the wrong way at least three times. How is she this lost in thought?! Foxpaw questioned silently. Finally Foxpaw caught sight of the ThunderClan camp entrance. Good, I don't want to be stuck with her any longer.

As Foxpaw padded into camp, he saw Eagleclaw and Spottedflower eating a squirrel together, Junipershine was walking into his den while Applepaw nodded to Shimmersight who had a poultice of stinky herbs on he flank. Foxpaw strolled over to the fresh-kill pile and laid his catch on a skinny rabbit. Which ever cat caught that scrawny rabbit needs to go out hunting again. He declared to himself. Talonpaw and Hopepaw were sitting by the apprentices den laughing to eachother. Eh. Foxpaw thought. I guess I can go to them. Ears twitching, Foxpaw trotted over to his littermates.

"Hey Foxpaw, guess what!" Hopepaw scrunched up her face in an attempt to not laugh. Foxpaw plopped down beside his sister. "What?" Hopepaw glanced at Talonpaw, who was looking quite annoyed, and back to Foxpaw. "Talonpaw and I were hunting when...." She paused as she saw a warning look show on Talonpaw's face. Hopepaw rolled her yellow eyes. "A squirrel jumped right onto his face and he still couldn't catch it!" She blurted out. Foxpaw smiled at Talonpaw almost disapprovingly. "A squirrel jumped on you and you couldn't catch it?" He said amused at his brothers lack of skill. "I caught a thrush and a squirrel." He bragged.

Talonpaw's face lit with fury. "I don't care what you caught." He shouted. "All you do is brag! Talonpaw stood up. Immediately Foxpaw jumped up and unsheathed his claws. "It's not bragging. It just seems that way to a cat who can't catch a lame mouse!" He retorted. Talonpaw hissed and sprang at Foxpaw. But Foxpaw dodged out of the way and jumped onto Talonpaw's back. Digging his claws into his brother's shoulders, he rolled Talonpaw over and pinned him down. He can't even beat me in a fight! Foxpaw loosened his grip as he felt Talonpaw relax. Talonpaw jerked his head up and right into Foxpaw's jaw. Hey! Foxpaw rolled back and jumped out of the way just as Talonpaw was about to swipe a paw at him. Then he hit Talonpaw in the side and pinned him down digging his claws into the apprentices belly.


A desperate yowl escaped Talonpaw's jaws and Foxpaw let go, backing away. "What's going on here?" Talonpaw's mentor, Fernpelt, came swiftly out from the warriors den. This was the first time Foxpaw noticed all the cats staring at the littermates. Spottedflower and her mate, Eagleclaw were both looking unimpressed by the two, Poppyleaf was shaking her head while Amberfire stared at Foxpaw in pure disbelief. "Talonpaw go into the medicine cat den. I'll get you fixed up." Foxpaw turned around to see Junipershine glaring at Foxpaw. Why me?! Talonpaw was fighting too! But it seemed that every cat was mad at Foxpaw. He rolled his emerald green eyes and trudged into the apprentices den.

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