Chapter 2

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Silverpaw scooped up the last of the dirty moss from the nursery. "There, it's done." She told Sandfoot. The queen had been cleaning out the nursery with Silverpaw and Stormpaw since the sun came up and they eventually had it all cleaned out. Today the kits, Hopkit, Sunkit, Whiskerkit, and Tidekit, would become apprentices. Silverpaw watched the kits as they played outside the den. Hopkit was sitting with his back straight, head high, and pelt smooth. Tidekit and Whiskerkit were playing a game of hunter-and-prey while Sunkit sat watching with a grin on her face.

Silverpaw grunted as she felt old moss pelt the back of her head. She turned around to see Stormpaw. He had a guilty but amused look on his face and he shoved a pile of moss behind him. Silverpaw rolled her eyes. He acts like a kit all the time.

By the time Silverpaw managed to get Stormpaw to take the moss out of camp, Drizzlestar had come back. The black tom was talking to Clawstream, the deputy of RiverClan, and the white and golden tom was nodding slowly. "Silverpaw!" Silverpaw turned around to see Whiskerkit and Tidekit dragging a moss ball towards her. "Do you wanna play?" Whiskerkit asked enthusiastically. Silverpaw glanced over at Drizzlestar. "I thought you wanted to be an apprentice?" She remarked. Whiskerkit widened his eyes. "Oh I do. But we aren't doing the ceremony right no-" Drizzlestar's yowl interrupted Whiskerkit's sentence.

"All cats who can swim in the river join here at wet rock!" Silverpaw smiled at Whiskerkit and saw that the rest of his littermates were strolling happily over to Drizzlestar. "These four kits have reached the age of six moons old and it is time for them to be apprenticed." Sandfoot grinned proudly at her four kits as they sat in front of the RiverClan leader.

"Hopkit," Drizzlestar turned his head to the brown kit. "From this moment forward until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Hoppaw. Your mentor will be Ottertail." The Clan cheered the new apprentice's name and Hoppaw stared confidently at the Clan.

Drizzlestar continued this with the other kits. Sunpaw's mentor is Flysnap, Tidepaw's is Puddlewish, and Whiskerpaw was given Reedpool. Silverpaw congratulated the new apprentices and luckily, had already made their new nests earlier that day. Where's Berrypaw. She asked herself, realizing that her friend had not been at the ceremony.

Silverpaw flicked her tail and decided to find her. Peeking her head inside the apprentices den, Silverpaw only caught sight of her littermate Lightpaw who was fixing up one of the nests. "Have you seen Berrypaw?" Silverpaw asked her sister. Lightpaw shrugged. "I haven't seen her since we finished making nests." The silver she-cat replied. Silverpaw huffed and nodded to Lightpaw. Maybe she went hunting. Silverpaw guessed. But as she scanned camp, Silverpaw saw Runningstone, Berrypaw's mentor, standing beside Fallowpaw and Troutfin.

A meow of laughter behind Silverpaw made her jump. Turning around Silverpaw saw Mudpebble with Berrypaw trailing behind him. "Oh hey Silverpaw! We went out hunting and Mudpebble caught the biggest fish I've ever seen." Berrypaw informed Silverpaw with a flick of her fluffy tail. Silverpaw glanced over at Mudpebble, who was indeed carrying a rather large fish. "I thought you wanted to watch the ceremony?" Silverpaw asked her friend, slightly confused. Berrypaw eyes shone with remembrance and she shrugged. "I forgot, it's okay though." She commented. Silverpaw drooped her shoulders as she saw the fond look that Berrypaw often gave to Mudpebble. It was clear that the two wanted to be mates.

"Can you believe I'll be a warrior in half a moon!?" Berrypaw roared. Mudpebble glanced back at Berrypaw. "I wish it were sooner." He said touching his nose to Berrypaw's. Silverpaw wrinkled her nose and padded away, disgusted. I hope I never become like them. She told herself.

Silverpaw was about to pick a piece of prey off the fresh-kill pile when Clawstream stepped beside her. His large figure cast a shadow over Silverpaw and onto the RiverClan clearing. "Drizzlestar said that the WindClan border needs to be marked. I want you to go with Icetail, Ripplingcreek, and Mudpebble." Silverpaw was disappointed when she heard this, until Clawstream had said that Mudpebble was going. At least he doesn't get to spend time with Berrypaw. She thought. I shouldn't think that. Berrypaw's my friend. Silverpaw silently scolded herself for being so insensitive.

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