Chapter 3

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Gorsepaw watched happily as his littermates stood in front of Furzestar. "From this moment forward, you shall be known as Rabbitears and Thrushleap." WindClan cheered the new warriors' names. Gorsepaw trotted over to his brothers. "Congratulations!" He said. Rabbitears nodded, smiling, while Thrushleap beamed at him.

His littermates had been training for longer than most warriors because they failed their first assessment. The two had run off and tried to prank a border patrol instead of catching prey.

They're crazy. Gorsepaw thought amused. But I love my brothers. Rabbitears sat by Quailwing, Gorsepaw's mother, and Thrushleap puffed out his chest as he talked to Violetpaw. The gray tortoiseshell and Thrushleap loved eachother and it would be only a matter of time before Violetpaw became a warrior. They're good together. Gorsepaw remarked silently as he saw the love in Violetpaw's eyes.

"Okay the ceremony is over so back to work!" Gorsepaw's mentor, Specklefur, tapped Gorsepaw on the back with her tail-tip. The medicine cat motioned for Gorsepaw to go into her den. Gorsepaw was the WindClan medicine cat apprentice and he was about old enough to become a full medicine cat. But Specklefur kept holding back the ceremony because she said Gorsepaw still needed to learn a few things. Gorsepaw had argued telling her that she could still teach him when he has his medicine cat name but Specklefur, being as stubborn and proud as she is, refused. But Gorsepaw didn't say any more knowing that his mentor could not be persuaded.

"Dewcloud got a thorn in her paw while she was marking the ThunderClan border." Specklefur informed. Gorsepaw glanced over at the dark gray she-cat, Dewcloud. "I'll take care of it." Gorsepaw stepped over to the senior warrior and examined her paw. There it is. A tiny piece of a thorn was poking out form Dewcloud's paw pad. Gorsepaw leaned forward and gripped the thorn in his teeth. As he pulled it out, Dewcloud let out a tiny, barely audible, yelp. "There you go." He said. "Let me put some marigold on it though. I don't want it getting infected." Gorsepaw reached into the back of the herb store and grabbed a swath of marigold and chewed it up.

"Your good to go." Gorsepaw told Dewcloud as he smeared the last of the marigold onto her paw. Dewcloud nodded to Gorsepaw a "thank you" and left the den. Gorsepaw stared after her and got lost in thought.

Being a medicine cat is so hard. He noted. It's not even fun. Sometimes I wish there was more to a medicine cat. Gorsepaw plopped down and zoned out. I have to memorize so many herbs and I have to heal injured cats. Why can't there be more sometime. He asked silently.

"...Okay?" Specklefur's mew shot Gorsepaw back to the present. "Er, what?" Specklefur rolled her eyes. "I said to put the marigold back in the store." Gorsepaw stared at his mentor for a moment, processing. "Oh, right." He picked up the bundle of herbs in his jaws and put them onto a cleft in the medicine cat den neatly.

"Furzestar!" A howl came from the camp entrance. "Furzestar, I found more bones by the ThunderClan border!" Gorsepaw peeked outside the den and saw Redwhisker panting. Furzestar walked across camp hurriedly. "Did you find the cat?" He asked Redwhisker. The tom shook his head. "But I did find a scent on our side of the border." Furzestar growled to himself and stomped his paw. "That's the third time this moon!" He growled. "I'm going to mention it at the gathering." He declared. Redwhisker nodded and soon the clearing was filled with angry mews. ThunderClan had been found stealing prey multiple times in a moon. Furzestar himself said he caught a RiverClan cat stealing a rabbit.

Gorsepaw had been slightly confused at the fact that a RiverClan cat would steal a rabbit, but he trusted Furzestar and anything could've happened. Gorsepaw shook his pelt and went back inside his den.


Rabbitears and Thrushleap were sitting proudly at the camp entrance. They had been made warriors a few days ago and were very excited for the gathering. I wish I could be a full medicine cat. Gorsepaw thought. But no matter what, Gorsepaw would always have to be a medicine cat. It was hard work and recently Gorsepaw had not been liking his job.

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