Chapter 5

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The Clan was bustling. Cats were headed out on patrols that Clawstream put together. It was sunhigh and and Waveheart sat excitedly at the camp entrance.

Waveheart had been waiting for Drizzlestar, her mate, to return from the border patrol he went on. The Clan wondered what she had to say and many of them asked—including Silverpaw—but Waveheart refused to tell them until the Clan leader knew.

Silverpaw tried to pry the news out from Fallowpaw and Troutfin, as they knew what was going on, but they wouldn't say a word. "I promised Waveheart I wouldn't tell any cat." Fallowpaw had told Silverpaw. So Silverpaw sat by the fresh-kill pile with Sunpaw talking about toms.

"So I've noticed that you've been hanging out with Stormfall more." Silverpaw remarked. Sunpaw turned her head away with embarrassment. "I have not!" She replied shrilly. "And what's with you and Whiskerpaw?" Silverpaw turned her head to Sunpaw. "What do you mean?" Sunpaw rolled her eyes. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed?" Silverpaw stared in confusion at the she-cat. "Come on Silverpaw, he's been padding after you ever since he became an apprentice." Silverpaw shook her head. "No, no he just wants to be my friend." Sunpaw laid her ears back and stared up at Silverpaw. "I'm Silverpaw do you want to share this fish?" She said in a mocking voice. "Oh we are on the same patrol again yay!" Silverpaw chuckled and turned to look at the camp entrance. Drizzlestar and the rest of his patrol padded into camp. Waveheart smiled and pulled Drizzlestar aside to talk to him.

Silverpaw strained to hear what they were saying.

"Me...a-a father?!" Drizzlestar stuttered in surprise. Of course! She's having kits! Silverpaw shook her head wondering how she didn't see that before. Drizzlestar licked Waveheart's head and the two padded over to the fresh-kill pile to grab a bite to eat.

Silverpaw saw Clawstream, Waveheart's father, smile at Waveheart before giving Drizzlestar a short glare to the back of his head. I guess it's weird to be the deputy and have the Clan leader be mates with your daughter. Silverpaw remarked silently.

As the Clan returned to their activities, Silverpaw saw Whiskerpaw and Tidepaw enter camp. Whiskerpaw looked around camp and brightened as he laid eyes on Silverpaw. Though Tidepaw, being the cat with a shy personality, departed from Whiskerpaw and trotted over to Sandfoot, her mother.

"Hey Silverpaw." Whiskerpaw sat down with a smile on his face beside Silverpaw. "Hi, did you just come back from a patrol?" Whiskerpaw nodded. It was a border patrol—at WindClan's border." Silverpaw shivered. Only a few sunrises ago ThunderClan had brought news that two of their warriors had been killed by WindClan warriors. Since then RiverClan had three patrols going to the WindClan border every day. It was to Silverpaw's knowledge that she was going on the sundown patrol.

"WindClan has bees in their brains." Whiskerpaw sighed. It was a shame that WindClan had been aggressive because Silverpaw and Lightpaw were very good friends with the WindClan apprentices, Violetpaw and Cinderpaw. But it was safer to be separated from the Clan until they calmed down. What's even gotten into them? Silverpaw asked herself. Whiskerpaw's whiskers twitched and he glanced at Silverpaw. "Er, I was going to get some fresh-kill do you er, want me to grab some for you?" Whiskerpaw asked Silverpaw nervously. Silverpaw smiled. "Sure, thanks!" Whiskerpaw's tail curled up in delight and he bounded over to the fresh-kill pile.

As Silverpaw waited for Whiskerpaw to finish picking out the prey, Lightpaw padded past her. "Troutfin wanted me to tell you that Icetail cut her paw so she won't be going to the border patrol." Silverpaw's shoulders drooped. "Who's going instead?" She asked. Lightpaw blinked and glanced at Stormfall. "Stormfall was told to go instead." She told Silverpaw with a frown. Silverpaw sighed and nodded to her sister as she trotted away.

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