Chapter 4

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Foxpaw awoke the next morning alone in the apprentices den. He put his paw on Hopepaw's nest and felt that it was still warm. She was here not long ago. He remarked to himself. One of the many things Foxpaw hated, was being the last cat awake. It annoyed him that he couldn't go on any early patrols or see what ThunderClan was up to in the morning. The worst was when he was late for his own patrols. Foxpaw quickly groomed himself and left his den. He observed the busy clearing that was filled with Foxpaw's Clanmates.

Raindrop and Hazelnose were talking to Ravenfeather while holding prey, and Ivystar was on highledge talking to Fernpelt, Swiftwhisker, and Amberfire. Foxpaw glanced toward them. What would the three mentors be talking to the Clan leader about? Hmmmm. Foxpaw thought sarcastically. He knew that they would be asking about the apprentices' assessments. Foxpaw smirked and padded over to the fresh-kill pile. He glanced at Ravenfeather, who had finished talking to Hazelnose and Raindrop, as he sent Eagleclaw, Redhawk, and Shimmersight, out on a border patrol.

"Be careful, and don't even put a whisker across the border, WindClan's been very testy this past moon." Foxpaw heard Ravenfeather tell the patrol. Eagleclaw, who Foxpaw assumed was leading the patrol, nodded to the deputy and padded towards the thorn tunnel. Foxpaw watched as the three cats left camp.

"Guess what Ivystar agreed to." Foxpaw's heart leaped as he heard Amberfire's mew. He stared expectantly at his mentor. She smiled and spoke. "You and your littermates can have your assessments at sunhigh!" Foxpaw's shoulders drooped. Can't it be earlier? He asked himself. "I wish it could be now, but Ivystar said that she needs cats to go hunting. You know, to stock up for leaf-bare." Amberfire informed, practically reading Foxpaw's thoughts.

"Er, okay." Foxpaw responded before walking over to Leafbreeze who was already congratulating Talonpaw and Hopepaw.

"I'm so proud of you three." Leafbreeze whispered. She cast a loving glance at Foxpaw. Im going to be the best warrior out of all of us. Foxpaw told himself.

Foxpaw gazed up at the sun and smirked. It had reached sunhigh and Foxpaw strode over to his mentor. "I can have my assessment now right?" He asked. Amberfire smiled and nodded. "I'm sure you'll pass." She told him.

Foxpaw and Amberfire made their way to the thorn tunnel. "I hope you fail." A whisper came from the dirt place tunnel. Huh? Foxpaw turned his head to see a brown tabby pelt. Bramblethorn. The tom chuckled and waddled over to the middle of camp. Foxpaw stifled a laugh as Bramblethorn slipped on a stray stick and face planted into the ground.

What felt like moons passed by, though it had been only the other half of the day, and Foxpaw had only caught two mice in his assessment. He knew that Ivystar wouldn't be impressed and had to catch more. Foxpaw opened his jaws to taste the air. Leaf mold and dirt scents rested on Foxpaw's tongue. A breeze rustled the undergrowth and Foxpaw thought he caught a whiff of squirrel. He crouched down and scanned the trees. A fluffy gray tail twitched on a low branch. This is an easy catch. He told himself.

Creeping forward, Foxpaw moved downwind of the squirrel. He waited until the fluffy creature had climbed all the way down the tree to pounce. Now! Foxpaw leaped at the squirrel and bit it's neck. "Thank you StarClan for this prey." He verbalized. Amberfire jumped through the bushes. "I think you passed!" She remarked. But Foxpaw and Amberfire both knew that Ivystar would be hard to please.
Foxpaw and his mentor walked into camp holding the prey that Foxpaw had caught. Ivystar was sitting next to Poppyleaf and the two she-cats were laughing together. The same moment that they saw Foxpaw, their faces turned had hard as stone. Oh great. Foxpaw thought. They are definitely going to be happy that I passed...if I passed. Foxpaw raised his head proudly and met his leaders gaze confidently. "Ivystar," Amberfire stood behind Foxpaw and spoke. "In my opinion Foxpaw completed his assessment, but I would like to know how you feel." Ivystar listened as Amberfire told her of what Foxpaw had caught. Ivystar sniffed and Poppyleaf smirked. "I guess you passed." Ivystar muttered. Poppyleaf scowled at him and Foxpaw smiled and bounded over to Leafbreeze.

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