Chapter 7- New Job

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"We're here. " Shadow said as they immediately appeared in The Guardians of United Nation's workplace itself.

"Wowww this place is Amazing! " Sonic said in amusement.

It was black and grey all around and looked like it came out of a spy movie. The doors needed face or body verification and they were big and grey. It was underground so no one would know of it except of all the workers there.

"Alright hedgehog chill out. " Shadow said.

"Shadow leave him! This is first time seeing here, he'll get used to it. " Rouge shouted at him.

"Whatever, come on" Shadow said and called Faker over to him.

"Bye boys, I have to go now~ " Rouge said as she walked to her office with forms waiting to be filled out.

Together, the hedgehogs walked to the commanders office while getting weird and strange looks from the other officers there.

"Ignore them and keep walking. " Shadow said as the murmurs continued.

Finally, they reached the doors containing the commander himself.

"We're here. " said the nervous hedgehog. Doing this could lose him his job but he'd do anything for his love.
"Now, don't say anything stupid that could get me fired. " shadow said.

"Haha, no need to worry big guy, I'll be fine. " Sonic said and chuckled.
"Cmon let's go. " the blue gumball said and lead the way.

Inside there was a blackish brown desk with a chair turned towards the sage green walls with amory upon the walls. On the desk had a gold nametag stating the lines of "Commander Abraham Tower."

"Good morning Commander. " Shadow said and the chair turned around to meet a brown and green eyed man with white, short hair. He was peach and looked stern and strict.

"Good morning Shadow, who is this you have with you here? " the commander asked with a slight smile.

"Commander, this is Sonic. He was wondering if you'd allow him to be apart of G. U. N. " Shadow replied.

"He looks a lot like you, does he perhaps act like you? " the commander questioned and pointed with his eyes towards him.

"Yes sir, I am very agile and can run of higher speeds than Shadow. " Sonic responded.

"Do you know how to operate machinery and firearms? "

"No sir, he does not but however I can teach him. " Shadow answered.

"I see, well I hope you know we don't have any space available for you. However, it would be good to have you on our team seeing as here shadow, is one of our very best. " the commander said pleased.

"Yes sir, I was hoping you would make an exception for Sonic as he is a good fighter and an anti-hero. He does the right thing when need to be done. " Shadow said as he gazed into Sonic's eyes and slightly blushing. He turned his head away in disbelief.

Eugh, I can't be serious right now why does he have to look so cute.
Shadow thought in his mind.

"Is that so Mr. Sonic? " the commander asked in curiosity.

"Indeed, I have helped a lot of people and I have done some bad things considered by them but it was for the greater good. Please sir I would appreciate your suggestion. " Sonic replied.

"Why is it that you fight? " the commander asked.

"Because it's for the greater good. " Sonic said with a smile.

"Hm, I will consider you're offer but for now I'll allow you to do one mission with Shadow. Shadow you will keep an eye on him and tell me his status and reports. Only then will I decide if your good enough. Proceed to Shadow's office with this mission. " the commander replied and handed Shadow the documents with the mission.

"Thank you sir. " Shadow said.

"You have one week, good luck. " and with that the two hedgehogs walked to Shadow's office that was past Rouge's office.

"Hehe see I told you it would be fine, " the blue blue said as he celebrated his victory.
"Nothing to worry about. Anyways let's see what this mission is about."

"Yes I understand that but the commander is a hard person to impress, he hasn't even known of you yet still considers you. I think it is the similar relationship between us. "
Shadow responded.

"Huh" Sonic asked confused.

"I mean of our similar appearance and aspects of each other. " Shadow answered.
"I suppose the commander has favoritism towards me as we were both on the ark when Maria was alive. He was originally against me but after my story I suppose he has sympathy and relates. "

"Wow dude, no need for the new lore. But in all seriousness I'm sorry. " Sonic replied.

"Sorry for what? " the confused hedgehog asked.

"I'm sorry about Maria, when I found out on the ark I was remorseful but didn't get to say sorry. All the other times we met, we fought or had to save someone or something. " Sonic said and turned away. He indeed felt sorry for most of his friends but acted silly or dumb to cheer them up. Knuckles and his tribe, Tails and his parents and Shadow and Maria.

"It's okay Faker, I'll be fine. " Shadow responded.
"Now let's get to the mission now shall we? " Shadow said.

Together they both worked on the case. It was to defeat this villain who had been destroying villages and properties using their powers. They are an evil, octopus witch who uses dark magic. They needed to try and figure out where they would strike next and put them behind bars.

That's the end of this chapter. I'm sorry it's so short I was busy with school and my life so yeah. Hope you enjoyed the story.

Haha just kidding, we haven't met the side of our lovely pink hedgie yet. Why don't you read and find out what's in store for out little lover.

Nah just kidding that'll be in the next episode I'm to lazy to write anything rn.

Bye. I guess.

Just joking. Again. Anyways continue.

The morning sun shone on Amy. Her curtains were open.

"Hmm, morning already, what a night I have to get to Rouge. What day is it again? Monday yeah, I have a date with Sonic tomorrow, maybe I should tell him about Shadow. No, no, that isn't necessary I can still enjoy time with him as a lover for a month at least and say it's not working out yeah? No that's selfish of me to play with his feelings that way. I need to tell Rouge about this, she'd know what to do eugh. " Any talked to herself while getting ready.

"All right I'm ready, now to find Rouge. " Amy shook froze like a statue.

"Oh no, I forgot she works at G. U. N. " she said as she slapped her face.
"Uhhh, what am I gunna do? Should I wait or do I tell Knuckles? " she hesitated for a while.
"I should see if Sonic's around in the meanwhile and wait for Rouge, I don't even know where she lives! Wait, I can ask Sonic to ask Shadow or I can just ask Shadow myself! " she answered hopefully.

"Well then I guess I could hang with Sonic. Oh wait, didn't he have something important today? He wanted to cook for me, I wonder why didn't he invite me. Does he not like me anymore? Is that good or bad? " She spiraled.
"Okay Amy, breathe, he's just doing something romantic for you, still even with that thought it seems off. "

Amy went on her way to Sonic's house and Sonic and Shadow worked together on their case.

I'm sorry everyone for this extra,mini short chapter but I didn't have enough brain energy to actually think so if anything or anyone seems off, it's probably because of that.
For your forgiveness, I have prepared little mini shorts for you to feed on while I continue with the actual story.

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