ABC's of Love

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I saw this in a Wednesday Addams fanfiction story called "Her Demon." It's written by @Read1ngAnonymous.  I have taken some prompts from their story to write this as it was hard coming up with words for the Alphabetical Love theme, so please check out their work it's really good! 

Y/F/T = Your Favourite Thing

Huge thank you to @Rhen_Roth who is my brother from another mother, I love you big bro and thank you for helping me out with this idea <3

Disclaimer: This is how "I" view Wednesday as a lover, I'm not saying any of these are accurate to her character nor am I claiming anything specific to her personality, this is just me and my silly ideas on display for you lot. 

Affection (How they show affection)

Her main love language is gift-giving, followed by quality time. 

She isn't good with words, nor is she much for giving you affection openly, but if you were to initiate it, she'd melt into a puddle of goo for you. She would happily return kisses, cuddles, handholding, or even do insignificant things such as fixing your hair, swiping some dirt off your coat or clothes in order to have that small form of contact with you, she would never admit it outright, but sometimes she'd make up an excuse to 'fix' your hair, or purposely place small threads, specks of dust, leaves that you both may walk past on your clothing to volunteer her clean up services for you. 

She also loved having you sit on her lap whilst she worked on her novel, at first you were hesitant because you were worried about distracting her, but she reassured you that as long as you stayed still, and that you were comfortable, she was too. And that's how you became one of Wednesday's requirements for her writing time. She was quite content with sitting in silence too as you busied yourself with something, you both didn't have to do the same thing to enjoy one another's company, and that worked well for her. 

You could be complaining to Thing as you do his nails, and she'd be in the corner of the room, reading a horror book to herself as she would tune in now and then to support you in your little rants.

"-and can you believe what she did? On national television mind you!" You raved to Thing as you filed his index finger. 

"People will do anything for attention Cara Mia," You would hear your girlfriend utter before she turns the page of her book. 

She is also surprisingly good at picking you out gifts, she never once got you a bad gift. When it came to special occasions such as your birthday, Christmas, or anniversary, you best believe she was making every effort to impress, it may even be something you forgot about. For example, you both went to a store just to pick out new school supplies, but you stopped to look at a stuffed toy on one of the shelves, you wanted it, and were about to grab it, but gave it to a little kid instead since it was the last one in stock. 

So, you had forgotten about it as the months passed but were pleasantly surprised to see it on your bed when you got back to your dorm after classes, a small black bow tied around it with a small note that only had a black heart scribbled in it with the initials 'W. A' written on it. 

When you picked it up to inspect it, you felt two familiar arms slender around your waist, then her chin resting on your shoulder, "Did you know how hard that was to find? It was like it vanished off the face of the earth when I asked Thing to look into where to get one." 

Beauty (What they like about your physical appearance)

She loved your hands, it wasn't more so a fetish, but a way to calm her if she was stressed, upset, or even in a loving mood, she'd play with your hand, creating small shapes into the back of it with her thumb, maybe twiddling with your fingers, or even just interlacing your pinkies together if you were both close physically, but occupied with something else. 

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