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The rain is incessant, I can barely see where I'm going, having to look down so no raindrops hit my eyelids, I trudge through the heavy weather, my hands stinging from the cold, droplets roll down my face, my nose tinted pink, my hoodie is drenched, squelching as I take hurried steps forward into the rain infested sky.

I take shelter under a small roof next to a convenience store, blowing hot air into my cupped hands as I rub them together to warm them up, I bounce my leg, shaking the water out of my hair as I gave up on keeping it dry a while back, I check my pockets for change, my stomach rumbling as I forgot to eat something before leaving work, I have £45, more than enough to get me quick snack and drink, as well as a taxi fare.

I raise my head ready to walk to the front entrance when I hear a strange sound, I look around for the source, my eyes landing on a mouldy, run-down cardboard box, I stare at it a moment longer, my curiosity peaking when I hear the strange sound again, I walk towards the box with curiosity, jumping back in surprise when a small furry head pops out, I gasp in surprise at the black cat, crouching down to see them looking at me with wide eyes.

"Hi," I say softly, sticking my hand out to let the feline sniff me, it does so yet still looks at me hesitantly, "I'm friendly." I smile at the cat, I then look around the area it's in with a frown, "Have you had anything to eat kitty?" I ask, it mews in response, I then stand up, looking at it between the convenience store and the cat worriedly, "I'll be back in a jiffy, stay there for me, ok?" I ask of the small mammal, heading into the brightly lit up store.

I head to the pet food isle, picking up a mix-and-match set of cat food, a food bowl, and a really cheap cat carrier, I then go to the home décor section, scouring for a blanket that I can wrap the cat in, I decide to go back to the pet section, indulging in a few treats for the poor kitty, I then walk up to the counter, the guy looking at my drenched self with a determined look on my face weirdly before ringing me up, "Would you like a bag with that?" His gruff voice grumbles I nod, twiddling my thumbs nervously as I get my cash ready, good thing I put them in zip lock bags or I'm afraid he wouldn't accept wet paper as a form of payment. "That will be £36.89" He announces, I sigh heavily when I feel my stomach pang with hunger cramps, but I will myself to give him the money anyway.

The minute he digs around in the cash register for my change I grab my stuff, fumbling to put the things in the carry bag, he hands me the change, that judging look still on his face, "Thank you!" I say politely, rushing out of the store with my newly purchased items.

I sigh in relief when I see yellow eyes peer at me curiously through the darkness of the cardboard box, taking out the cat carrier, I quickly wrap the cat in the blanket, it meows in protest but I stuff it and wrap them up anyway, stuffing them carefully into the carrier as I zip the bag closed, standing up to pick up my stuff as I begin making my trek home in the pouring rain.

Once at home

I lock the door, kicking my shoes off as I run my hands through my soggy hair, letting the excess water drip out, I then place the cat carrier down, opening it up as I walk off to get a change of clothes and a towel, I watch the bag curiously, the cat making no movement as it stays under the blanket, looking a little confused, I dry my body off out of its view, putting on a pair of fluffy pyjama pants, an old hoodie, fluffy socks, and slippers as I crouch next to the carrier.

"Hey..." I say softly, announcing myself, I get on my hands and knees, my hand reaching out to pet the feline on their head, they hesitate before allowing me to fully pet them, and a small smile rises to my face as I carefully coax them out of the bag, smiling when they are fully out. "You're such a pretty kitty" I coo in a baby voice, scratching under their chin as they squint their eyes up at me in delight.

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