Part 40

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After convincing Bucky to leave me alone and sleep a bit before we left is hard. Like catching Rumlow hard. If it was up to me honestly I would have left his ass sleeping to catch Rumlow but I knew I'd get caught by the others. Bucky slept till we had to leave and me begging him to sleep a bit more on the jet but he only agreed to it if he got to sit next to me and hold my hand. It was for him but mostly for me incase I had to vomit again and luckily I didn't. Vision stayed behind with Bruce to watch and help us through comms while everyone else including Fury came on the jet to go find this son of a bitch.

"You really think letting him sleep right before a fight is a good idea" Sam questioned beside me.

"Keep talking and he won't be sleeping much longer" I said smugly.

"What is with you two anyways" he questioned. But honestly...I was confused by his question and I knew he saw my face. "Well you two talk a lot more. I heard you watching a movie the other night. Can't forget about the ice cream party in the kitchen at night and I would know because he's the only one who eats pistachio ice cream" he stated.

"He's my person Sam" I answered.

"Why does he get to be your person? He has Steve" he pointed out.

"And so do I. He knew just being there at the hard times wasn't enough so he wanted to be my person. He has Steve. I have Steve. Steve has us. And I have them. Unless you need me to be your band aid for all your little boo boo's" I cooed at the end getting him to scoff.

"I'll remember the offer" he said giving me a annoyed look.

"Alright y/n wake him up were gonna land in two" Nat said.

"But I don't wanna wake him up" I said pouting looking towards him seeing him look so peaceful. God I wish I had peaceful sleep. "He looks so peaceful Nat" I said.

"He did say he's strangle you himself if you left him in the jet" she pointed out.

"Fine". I squeezed his hand trying to get him to wake up but he didn't even move. I looked towards Nat and she gave me a look. I tapped his shoulder with my other hand and he still didn't move so I looked towards her. "He won't move. I tried".

"Hey Snow White wake up" she kicked his seat but it only cause him to groan and put his head on my shoulder. She looked towards me but I had to hold in a chuckle until I saw her idea face turn on. Uh oh. "Y/n how come you didn't tell us you had a cut on your face".

Bucky shot up and looked towards me in a panic. He grabbed my jaw delicate but firm turning my head to both sides examining my face till he sighs and looks towards Nat.

"I hate when you do that" he told her.

"I did it with her once" Nat claimed while walking off.

"My name wakes you up" I said nearly laughing.

"No you's hard to explain" he groaned.

"Okay come on Sargent" I said getting up. I stand up in front of him and he just looks at me tiredly. "Up" I said kicking his shin.

"You do know I'm following you through that building right" he spoke.

"Oh yeah" I realize. "Any ways get up" I chip at him.

"Oh no no no" he said getting up and stretching. "Your keeping your promise" he said making me pout. "Laufeyson now is a better time then never" he called out.

"Oh come on I did fine on my way here" I tried to convince.

"Darling please" Loki spoke up as he walked up to us. "I saw all the face scrunching from a mile away let me help you" he bargained. I groaned and turned towards him till he raised his hands up making me flinch a bit making him stop. "Oh right. I'm gonna put my hands on your head and then you will feel a slight discomfort for a couple seconds and then you will feel better. Alright?" he said.

"How did you know I was scared of your hands?" I asked.

"Thor told me the story along with Stark. I may have tried to take over the world but I could never do what he did towards you to anyone" he stated. "Now hold still please".

Bucky's POV

I saw the magic he put in her. It scared me. Her eye's flashed a green to a gold and went back to their normal color before she lost her footing a bit and just like he said she was fine. I started to get a bad feeling from this mission but not as bad as her throwing up just thinking about it. It was true how she was gonna bring us through this place because from the picture she knew this building but she just never knew where it was.

"I got the camera's" Tony spoke up.

"You alright doll?" I ask grabbing her arm.

"Yeah. Just tingles" she admitted.

"It'll go away in a second Darling just ride it out" Loki assured her before walking off.

"I'll be fine James" she looked towards me putting on a brave face.

"Just making sure" I smirked at her. "Now let's pay attention to Stark before he goes into a fit".

"I don't throw fits" he said popping up beside us. "Anyways here's the cameras" he says handing me a tablet "and we will get everyone outside" he said as everyone started walking tot he back of the jet as it was opening. "I turned off the outside cameras so if you don't see us that's why. Just wait for our call and we'll all head inside at once" he said while walking out.

"No time to back down anyways" Fury spoke up.

"You know your not helping" I say.

"Or not needed" y/n said.

"E doll" I wince. "Calm it down".

"What he should know" she pointed at him.

"He's my boss I gotta deal with him" I defend.

"I'd die then let him be my boss. You should follow my example" she poked me in my chest.

"You should-""I'm still right here" I looked over seeing Fury eyeing us.

"Oh I know" she spoke up.

"Okay go that way" I turn her around and force her to walk to another part of the jet following her. "Your gonna fuel him up to give me more assignments".

"Maybe you should quit your job" she suggested.

"Hey at least I have a job" I defend.

"At least I don't work for a pirate" she pointed out.

"At least...ah forget it" I give up.

"Y/n 1 James 0" she said smiling.

"Ooooh legal names now huh" I smirked.

"I like your legal name. James is more personal and Buck is Steve's thing. Bucky is an everyday thing" she said.

"You are allowed to call me whatever you want doll" I said smiling at her.

"Even old" she said a bit to excited.

"Enough" I scoff.

"Hey Barnes" we hear a call out. I pull out the tablet seeing it was Stark speaking. "You two start headed to the building were ready for you two".

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