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Relief. For some reason relief was the only thing I felt casting my brother aside, his remains coating my palms a deep crimson. My brother was a fool, crooked minded. I always felt that our differences were far too great. There's no way he and I were truly related. For as long as I can remember, he was crooked. His foolishness always contested with me, it knew no bounds. That all ended today. Today, his foolishness was his downfall. Of course he made the mistake of revealing his weakness before the man he was about to contest against. It's over now, this quarrel has finally come to a halt. I don't care where he rests now.

Returning home, The Elder greeted me. Her eyes were bright and welcoming, but faltered releasing I was alone. "Dear where is your brother?" "Dead, I killed him." I responded, no hint of remorse in my tone.

Her expression contorted to one of horror as she gasped shakily. I walked past her into our pantry. Getting over her shock, The Elder to scream "You no good bastard! What have you done! How could you harm your family in such a way!"

She threw the bread I held to the floor. I snapped. Me? I hurt my family? I needed to adapt my ways? No. There was never a coherent thought in her mind, was there? Growing more furious by the second my body stiffened and my voice raised.

"You utter hypocrite!" She visibly flinched from the harshness in my tone. We never expressed a lot of anger, let alone raising our voices more than necessary. "Are you trying to mock me? How am I reprimanded for hurting family while you did the same? You killed our mother! Your daughter!" She seemed shocked "How did you..?"

That woman was quick to gain her composure, shaking her head and started yelling at me, presumptively defending herself, but I no longer cared for what that woman had to say. She was yelling so loudly, and it was getting annoying. I grabbed her by the throat. Having just yelled to exasperation, that woman was quick to sputter and struggle for whatever life she had left, but it was too late.

I reached for the cleaver we had, still dragging her along. Shifting my grip from her neck to her hair, that woman realized my intentions. She scrambled desperately, flailing and begging for her pathetic life. I swung at her neck. Blood seemed to spray endlessly from the wound. All that woman could do now was gargle in pain. Before her hands could reach her neck to suppress the wound, I swiftly swung again. A thud was heard as her body hit the floor, her hair still tightly gripped in my palms. She too was a fool. Never keeping up with the dynamic of the world she lived in. Now I'm covered in blood, and have another body to get rid of.

What a pain.

(A/n- This is my first story so sorry if it's a little wonky, I'll upload every week, if I miss one I'll just do a double the next week. Thanks for reading!)

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