Chapter 2

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You carefully trudged behind Amy as she navigated you through the night sky. Crickets loudly chirped as you walked. Of course, the night you decided to go out was the night customers kept coming in, making you close incredibly late. Typical Monday. Your bad mood was interrupted by Amy turning around with a finger to her lips. "Shh, it's right around here, darling."

You decided to ignore the slight burning in your cheeks as you and Amy slowed down and crept quietly around the space. Amy bent down to set the trap while you scanned the nearby area. Sure enough, staring right back at you were three pairs of eyes. From where you stood, you could make out that they had all at least made it to early adulthood. Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you looked back at Amy, who nodded at you and dragged you with her into some nearby bushes.

Everything was going according to plan. The third cat was just about to step into the kennel with its companions. Then suddenly, a big boom erupted through the forest, scaring all three of the cats away. "Oh dammit!" Amy huffed. What exactly could have caused such a loud noise? "C'mon," she assured, "they might be too scared to come to this spot again, we gotta go." She gently grabbed your hand, and you two swiftly followed the direction of one of the felines.

As you both traverse through the trees and branches, you notice your surroundings getting... brighter? No, that's not right. It's almost midnight, so why should... Oh... Oh no.. Oh, please, no.

You could feel your heart drop as you and Amy came across an open area, a blinding bright red flame emerging from the very center. There were two large figures hovering above the flames, one with raven-like wings and ones that resembled a bat's wings. You felt Amy's warmth leave your hand as she slowly walked back, not losing sight of the figures. You soon followed, but as Monday's luck would have it, a twig you somehow didn't step on earlier snapped, alerting the figures of your presence. The figure's faces whipped quickly in your direction. You couldn't make out a single feature of the silhouettes, but the piercing of their yellow glowing eyes gave you the sense that you and Amy needed to bolt in the opposite direction.

Wind flew past your face as you sprinted through the forest. You didn't have to turn around to know they were following you, as the trailing red light was enough of an indicator. Even without the light, you wouldn't be naive enough to glance behind you for even a second. With life giving you the middle finger right after birth, you just so happen to also have asthma. You had figured with asthma and no aspiration to do anything too physical in your life. There was no need to attempt to increase your stamina. Boy, were you regretting that right about now. Lungs already burning, you were running faster than you ever would on the off chance you actually survived this. Then reality hit you like a truck. You had no clue where you were. Amy was the one who often went past here, and with her being much more athletic than you were, she had long past you, and you could no longer see her.

Your torment was far from over though, because you fell into a small ledge on the ground. It knocked out whatever air you had left out of your lungs. The fall wasn't deep enough to cause you any damage, but it was deep enough to cause you to land right on your stomach. Still not daring to look back, you tried to scramble back on your feet, but it was too late. You let out an ear piercing scream as you felt a burning sensation on your ankle. You turned around to meet with the yellow gaze of the figure gripping your ankle. With as much force as you could muster, kicked in between the figure's eyes. That only seemed to anger them as they placed another burning hand on the calf you used to kick them. You let out another scream. The second figure appeared beside the first and latched its hands onto your arms. You sobbed as you felt your flesh bubbling under their touch. They started pulling you away as your sobs only intensified.

The molten sensation was abruptly cut short as you were yanked away from their arms. You were hoisted onto someone's shoulders as they ran away. You were relieved to see those bright pink pigtails flailing behind the person's back. As you looked ahead of you, you could see the figures staring intensely back at you, unmoving. You were just glad they weren't chasing you again.

You reached Amy's car as she swiftly shoved you into the front seat before getting in and speeding off. The car ride was silent and awkward. The only sound was from you trying to recover from your previously disheveled state. Amy's eyes never left the road as she pulled into her apartment building. After frantically checking the area, she scooped you up and ran inside. Slamming the door upon entering. She placed you on her couch before running around, checking and locking windows and boarding things in front of her doors. All while you sat awkwardly on her couch, knees pressed against your chest.

She walked over to you, and before you even had time to object, she dragged you into her bathroom and shut the door. Finally, she spoke, examining your wounds. "Oh my God, oh my God, what did they do to you." "I... I don't know. They just... touched me." Amy looked at you with worry written all over her face before rummaging through her cupboards and pulling out a container of Vaseline. "I know these burns require medical attention, but there's no way I'm letting you go out there right now, so bare with me, 'kay?" She gave you a sympathetic smile as you silently nodded.

After the painful process of treating your burns, you sat with Amy on her living room couch. She insisted you two stay together throughout the night.

Her TV was on, playing a rerun of one of her favorite band's recent concerts. Even so, her eyes were focused on the front door and the window nearby. She seemed extremely alert as she held you carefully so as to not irritate your burns. Although you tried to stay awake with Amy, the events of that day weighed you down like a ton of bricks, and you couldn't help but drift away in her arms.

Mondays just had to get worse for you, didn't they?

(A/n- I might update more frequently than posted, I'm a bit impatient)

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