Chapter 10

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-Found Secrets-

~Aamon's P.O.V.~

I just don't get it.

What changed? What caused him to act like that yesterday?

This is a problem I never thought I would come across.

When did this happen?

Was it that night? Was it that hµmåñ?

That... human...


Now's not the time to be thinking of them. Right now, I still have a mission to complete. It's about time I follow up on the mark Volken left on Shelby. Sitting up from my bed, I stared at my wardrobe for a while. It's best if I change my appearance for this.

Rummaging through my closet, I pulled out a velvet colored suit paired with a mascarade mask of a similar color. I quickly changed and left for the door. On the way out the front door, I could hear The Elder speaking out to me.

"Hello dear." I turned around and bowed my head. "Hello Elder." As I lifted my head, I could see her walking towards me. She gingerly grabbed my face and smiled at me.

"I can see that you and your brother aren't getting along lately." I stared back at her. "It's because of our mission, you don't need to be concerned." She let go of my face. "Is that so? It's important for you two to get along, so hurry up and finish your tasks so you can go back to being good boys." I could feel a rush of slight dread run through me. She walked upstairs, presumably to talk to Volken, but I couldn't care less.

The thought of finishing our mission quickly wasn't the thing dawning on me. What really made me upset is the thought of leaving that human behind. I don't really understand what they did to me, but the thought of parting with them is... upsetting to say the least.

Even if it upsets me, I know The Elder is right. We need to hurry and finish this mission. I need to hurry and keep Volken away from that human. The problem is, after the mission is done, I'll lose the ability to keep track of them since they weren't directly involved in my summon.

This is horrible.

I've never felt so horrible.

So helpless.

So desperate.



That's right.

I wasn't thinking rationally.

Of course this isn't over.

Ö£ ¢ðµr§ê there's a way to get what I want.






This happens a lot doesn't it? Every once in a while, a demon decides to take a human up to our home for various reasons. All I have to do is have them verbally agree to some vague words that let me take them.

It's that simple.

But in order to do that, they need to be free from involvement in summoned contracts. In other words...

I really need to finish this mission quickly.

With that thought fresh in my mind, I rushed out the door. Before I landed back with the humans, I quickly changed my appearance to that of a woman with short black hair, blue eyes and skin slightly lighter than my own. Following the trail left by the mark, I arrived at a fairly large warehouse that seemed run down on the outside.

Circling the building, I spotted what seemed to be a bouncer standing in front of a back entrance. Bingo. I sat and observed for a bit, watching people enter every once and a while holding an invite. Getting up from my spot, I walked closer to the entrance and waited for the next person to arrive.

Soon enough someone did. I made quick work of them, dragging them off and strangling them behind some bushes. Invitation in hand, I made my way over to the bouncer and he let me in. Waiting for me was another man in a black suit. He bowed to me before taking my hand and leading me through the warehouse.

Walking down a set of stairs, I could see an auction that was being held. The man who lead me handed me a few bidding sticks and walked off. I found a seat somewhat near the back of the room. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a device small enough to be mistaken as a pen. This device can record both video and audio clearly without being detected. Turning it on, I waited for the auction to start.

Soon the lights of the room dulled and the chattering amongst the guests came to a halt. Spotlights were aimed toward the red curtains on stage. Out came the person leading the auction which happens to be Shelby. I would be lying if I said I was surprised. She too had a change to her appearance. She seemed to be wearing a bright blue wavy wig, with an emerald green dress and gold mask.

The auction went off like any other would, except with illegal things like drug factories, exotic animals and even people. I was honestly getting pretty bored, but then Shelby revealed something that caught my eye.

The next thing in the auction was no other than a coworker of those overlookers. He was chained at neck and wrists and seemed to be out of them. I see. It's not that the cafe has a high turnaround rate, Shelby is most likely forging resignation letters for them and then selling them.

This wouldn't concern me, but then I thought about it more. There's no way she does this to all of her employees or she would have been caught already. I've seen this guy before at that company dinner. It seemed like he didn't know many people, lived alone, and was overall pretty closed off. It would be easy to pull some strings and make it seem like they never existed in the first place. Thinking of the resignation letters I went through, those that fit this demographic 'quit' after about five months of working at the cafe.

When I put the pieces together, I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration. Afterall, all of those traits resemble that human. They've even been working there for a little after four months. That means that it's likely that they are the next target.

I can't let that happen.

I can't let her take them from me.

I won't let it happen.



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