Chapter 6

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-Inching Closer-

~Volken's P.O.V.~

"So unprofessional am I right~?" Shelby perked up beside me, snapping me out of my shocked state. What... what just happened? In the several jobs that my brother and I have gone on, we have never failed to deflect intercommunication between people who've seen too much.

I snuck a look over at Aamon who shrugged at me, then picked at his food mumbling about something I couldn't care less about. I sighed and turned back to Shelby. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't just ignore her. I don't usually mind humans, unlike my brother, but this one was particularly irritating.

"- to my house?" Shit, I wasn't paying attention. I raised an eyebrow at her, she giggled in response.

"C'mon~, I've got all types of good booze there." Ah I see, she's inviting me over to drink with her. This could be very beneficial. "Elaborate," I state, glaring softly at her. She doesn't seem to mind as she lists the items in her alcohol pantry. I'm not too much of a drinker, but she did have a lot of good options.

"Alright, I'll see it for myself," I say, forcing a smirk. I can see her eyes light up in excitement "You won't regret it~" But she sure will.

True to her word, she stayed chatting with me while everyone else left. Only my brother remained.

"Hmm? Volken, I expected you to want to leave already, the restaurant's closing soon." Aamon spoke up. He was long done with his dessert and making knots with a cherry stem.

"Oh, he's riding with me today," Shelby answered gleefully. Aamons eyes widened in shock, before changing to playful annoyance.

"Maaaan then why am I still here waiting on you," he stood up from his spot "See ya then." He began walking out but as he passed me, "Mark her, I need to confirm something." I sighed. He's always like that.

"Shall we get going then?" Shelby hummed, placing a finger on her lips. I stood up. "After you," I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. We both left the restaurant and got into her car. The drive was relatively silent. Only the voices of the singers of a hip-hop song softly filled the small space.

When we arrived I took a look at the exterior. Her house was relatively large. It looked luxurious from the outside. I stepped out of the car and was greeted by Shelby's smiling face. When she led me into the house, I had to admit that the interior was quite breathtaking. She might be of higher status than we thought.


About an hour and a half has passed. I'm sitting on the couch with Shelby, taking shots of aged whiskey. Despite not drinking much, I had a pretty high tolerance for alcohol so I was pretty sober. The same couldn't be said about Shelby, as her cheeks were more flushed, and her words were starting to slur. I guess now's a perfect chance, not too sober, not too drunk.

"Pretty nice place, I'd love to wake up here."

"Mmhmhm~ Thank you~" She leaned closer to me.

"Y'know~ you could always wake up here if you wannaaa hmhm~"

I placed my thumb on my lips to mock a pondering expression. "That would be nice, but there's one issue."

Her smile fell off of her face. "Really, what is it?" I smirked. "I don't like secrets, that's all."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm not naive. That bottle of whiskey is aged over 50 years. With that sized bottle it would cost a couple thousand. That, and your living situation alone would cost most people a fortune." I leaned forward and pressed the tips of my fingers together.

"You can't possibly make me believe someone with a manager's position can comfortably spend this much."

Her smile returned much more sly. "Oooo~ perceptive are we?" She stood up, walking in my direction.

"Well it's a very important secret. I can't go around telling anyone who asks." She circled behind me, placing her hands on the top of her sofa.

"Those secrets are reserved for people who earn them, people who are worthy." My gaze was unmoving, still glued to the spot where she once was.

"Luckily for you, I think you are worthy, you just need to get through a couple of... trials to confirm it to me."

I finally looked up at Shelby. I see her smirking face looking back down at me. "Then that's what I'll do."


I opened the front door, where The Elder greeted me per usual. "Welcome dear, your brother is waiting for you." I nodded before heading to his room.

His door was open, and he was sitting on his bed. I stood in the doorway, just looking at him.

"What's the progress," he asked in a monotone voice. "I've got her contact info, infiltration won't be too difficult." "And my request?" I crossed my arms. "It's on the back of her collarbone, she won't notice for a while." His blank expression was replaced by a laid back smirk. "Good Good, hopefully we won't have a repeat of tonight amiright?" He laughed half haphazardly. "What a sight that was..." Aamon began trailing off. "That human is much more interesting than any we've encountered." His smile widened. "They're so intriguing, I'll make sure to examine them thoroughly." There was a strange look in his eyes. "Alright... I'll go now." I said turning to leave. I could hear him giggling as he wished me goodbye.

Aamon has been acting... odd ever since we met those humans.

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