Chapter 1

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-Usual Unusualness-

You groaned while flipped over to silence your phone. You had already put your alarm on snooze about three times, but hey, who's counting? Practically dragging yourself out of bed, you wobbled to your bathroom to get yourself together. God you despised Mondays.

You regretted your previous decision to sleep through your alarm, knowing damn well you'd do it again, as you swiftly pedaled through the city. You had skipped breakfast but was still running incredibly late. Luckily the small cafe you worked at wasn't too far, but you knew that the manager was a total bitch and always had it out for you. Securing the lock on your bike, you hurried into the cafe, the welcome bells chiming after your entry. Briskly walking to the back of the counter, you were greeted by a brightly smiling face.

"Ah! Morning sunshine! How'd ya sleep?"

That bright face belonged to your coworker, Amy. She had long, bright pink pigtails, and piercingly beautiful blue eyes, you were convinced they were contacts, but you can never be too sure. She just so happened to be a die-hard K-pop fan, so you would often see her in custom made merch of various groups, some you could immediately recognize, and some you had no clue about.

"As well as a corpse in a necromancer's circle." You groaned. You could hear faint giggling as you reached for your apron.

You had no idea how you two had become friends. You were the most introverted person you knew, though that doesn't mean much, the point still stands. Yeah you enjoyed company every once in a while, but you weren't actively searching for it. Amy on the other hand was extremely outgoing. She stood out a lot at work, though it could just be the hair. She had positive connections with almost everyone. It made you wonder how much of it was fake. Although it didn't matter, she seemed harmless enough and gave you great company. It's not like you had anything particularly interesting to spread anyway.

"Well~ good news for you sleepyhead. Shelby's out sick today." Amy purred as she sorted change through the register. You let out an exasperated sigh of relief. "Oh thank God." Her giggles continued as you started prepping the kitchen.

The day went as usual, Amy being Amy, putting up with perverts, entitled people sending things back unnecessarily, as much as you could expect from a typical retail job. The time for your lunch break came, and you were greedily wolfing down some ginger catfish you got from your favorite Thai restaurant, when Amy stepped in.

"Hey, hey! I've got something reeeally cool I want to tell you." You hummed in acknowledgment, so she went on. "So the other day I was taking a mountain trail, but not really cause I deviated juuuust a bit." "Mhm." "And it was fine cause I have like reeally good navigation skills." "Mhmm..." "But anyway just a bit off the train I found a whole pack of little calico cats." You perked up at this. You had always wanted to adopt a pet, but up until recently you feared you wouldn't have enough time or money to give it the life it deserved. It also happened to be that calico cats were your favorite, besides black ones.

You listened more intently, while taking another bite of the food in front of you. "I gave them whatever food I knew was safe in my bag and headed home, cause like, there was no way I'd see them again right?" "Right..." You said, finally lowering your fork giving Amy your full attention "Well actually no! I went back there yesterday and they were still there." You could feel hope bundling in your chest. "Right then and there, I decided I needed to get them shelter." You felt as though you could burst. "So after feeding them again, I went to that 24 hour pet shop around the corner and bought a really large kennel and some treats."

And just like that, your afternoon schedule was full.

(A/n- Every time I write out the word 'hope' I can hear his laughter in the back of my head. Not complaining though.)

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