Chapter 3

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-New Faces-

Amy was an absolute angel to you. After that night, she took you to the hospital first thing in the morning. They gave you a prescription and two and a half weeks off work to treat the wounds. When you tried explaining what happened that night, they asked if you had been medicated. Figures. When you and Amy got back to her apartment, despite your protest, she called her boss and got two and a half weeks of vacation time to take care of you. She never left your side, and you were incredibly grateful to her.

Getting out of Amy's car, you eyed your bike that you had left abandoned all this time. Sighing, you walked with Amy to open up. Waiting for you was your absolute 'favorite' person in the world, Shelby.

Shelby had to be one of the most gorgeous people you had ever laid eyes on. She had bouncy, natural blonde hair, freckles were softly dotted across her fair skin, and she had beautiful deep green eyes. Her lips were red, her lashes were prominent, she's naturally (as far as you knew) what people would consider an unattainable beauty standard, and she absolutely knew that.

"Enjoy your pity vacation hmm?" She gave you and Amy a sickly sweet smile. "Yes actually, burns do take a while to heal." Amy replied, just as sweetly. Amy was someone your manager didn't exactly hate, but it's not like she liked her either. "Oh come one, like you need two weeks for burns. You probably just fondled each other the whole time." Ignoring her crude remarks, you reached for your apron, but stopped when you noticed something seemingly out of place. "Who's apron is this? We only have three people who work in the kitchen." You asked.

As if you were in some cliche movie scene, the front bells chimed and in walked two men you didn't recognize. They both had dark skin, and uniquely hazel eyes, so you could only guess they were related.

"While you two abandoned your jobs to make out," Shelby smirked a tint of pink staining her cheeks, "these two gentlemen decided they wanted to carry some weight around here." The two men walked behind the counter to join the trio. "Hey, how's it going? My name's Aamon, pleasure to meet you." The taller one spoke. The man you now knew as Aamon held his hand out for you to shake. He had long, fluffy looking, near white purple hair that went to his waist and a tattoo of a bloody dagger on his forearm. His teeth were oddly sharp, but not inhuman. You hesitantly shook his hand. "My name is (Name), likewise."

The other male walked past you and grabbed his apron. You could now clearly see that the nametag spelled Volken. Volken had dark pale blue hair in a wolf-cut that went to his shoulders. He had three ear piercings with rings through each on either ear. Volken silently walked into the kitchen. "Well~ my name is Amy. Seems like you'll be serving guests with me." Amy smiled at Aamon. He nodded and got busy with the register.

"And that's that!" Shelby started again, clasping her hands together. "You'll work extra hard for me to repay all the trouble you caused me, won't you?" She gave you a smug look, patting your shoulder before heading to the back room.

You grabbed your apron, securing it around your waist. You were about to head to the kitchen, but was interrupted by a voice. "Must be tough listening to her all the time huh?" You turned to meet with the sharp grin of Aamon.

"Uhh, yeah. She's pretty mean." You answered, kind of caught off guard. He chuckled. "I mean really, it's like she's ignorant to the fact she's making her mouth a second ass." You let out a small smile.

"I'm sure you're already a hard enough worker, a lot harder than she does all day." He sighed. You felt as though you and him could get along. "Speaking of which, you'll be working with my brother though right? You're gonna have a tough time working with him."

You raised an eyebrow, "How so?" "He's really stubborn, and his communication skills are subpar at best." You sighed, and made your way into the kitchen.

True to Aamon's words, Volken wasn't the best to work with. Even though the cafe you worked at mainly served baked goods and simple dishes, you were having trouble keeping up with him. He barely spoke, and when you finally got him to, it would only be a couple words. This would normally be fine, but he worked incredibly fast, and you would often have to redo things because he deemed you were 'taking too long' and did it himself. You learned to just let him take the lead and try and keep up. At least he was a hard worker, you could respect that.

You sighed entering the break room. Amy had made a delicious pasta dish the night before, and you had saved a portion in the fridge this morning. You eagerly opened the fridge, only to be met with annoyance. There, in place of your lovely pasta, was empty Tupperware with a sticky note. 'Sorry! It just looked too good.' Next to the message was a lazily made shrugging emoticon with its tongue sticking out. You didn't need a signature to know exactly who the thief was. You groaned as you shut the fridge. You whipped around and slumped on a chair defeated. At least you could speak to Amy during your break. You knew she would definitely share her lunch.

What you didn't expect was instead of a bright pink head of hair, Aamon walked in. You were very confused. Aamon noticed you and waved. "Hey!" He said enthusiastically. "Where's Amy?" He made his way over to you. "Shelby switched the schedules. Her break isn't for another hour." Great, just great.

"Aren't you gonna eat lunch?" Aamon gave you a questioning look. "It was stolen by our 'Oh so lovely manager'" You replied using finger quotations. He put his finger to his chin with a pondering expression. "I was about to head to that sandwich shop down the street, you can come with if you'd like." "Are you sure? I don't want to impose." He smiled at you "No harm, no foul. Just come on." You shrugged. "If you say so." Who are you to turn down free food?

You and him headed out the break room and out the door. While you were walking, you had a sudden thought. 'Why would he come straight to the break room if he was going out for lunch. Odd...' You soon brushed the thought off, after all it was nothing worth losing your head over.

The rest of your shift went off without a hitch, and you were pedaling home after saying your goodbyes. You got home and did your usual shenanigans. Caught up on a few shows, mindlessly scrolled on your phone, and ate whatever was in your fridge. You were currently undressing, getting ready for a shower.

Humming you were undoing the bandages on your ankle where you were burned, but you noticed something weird about it. Along with your damaged skin, you noticed what looked like a symbol. You squint your eyes and lean towards your ankle.

On your ankle, was a bright red, almost glowing circle with a star in the middle and some scritch-scratchy language lining the star. You knew that night in the mountains would have consequences. You knew that nothing would prepare you for what this could mean.

And you were terrified.

(A/n- At this point Amy would make a pretty good suiter, but the plot must go on.)

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