Chapter 7

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You were tumbling over your own feet trying to keep up with Amy as she dragged you out of the restaurant. "S-slow down!" You begged, but to no avail. She finally let go of you as you reached her car. You both got in the car and Amy started heading to her apartment at speeds definitely over the limit.

"When did that mark appear?" Amy asked with a worried tone. "I noticed it earlier in the week. I tried to tell you, but this thing apparently affects my luck." "I did think you were acting a little odd this week, but I would have never guessed this was the reason..."

"I don't think anyone could have guessed this."

Eventually, you two reached Amy's apartment and you entered the building you were staying in less than a week ago. Reaching Amy's room, she dragged you along to her desk. "Alright, maybe the internet will have something we can use." Amy pulled out her phone. "I've already tried taking a picture of it, it doesn't show up on camera at all." Amy lowered her phone, defeated.

"Alright, that may not work, but we don't need a picture to search for info." She perked right up. Turning to her desk, she opened up her laptop and started typing quickly. Glancing at her laptop, you could see she was looking at images that looked somewhat like your mark. From those pictures you could tell that most were just from fiction and had no correlation to your situation.

Amy tried being more specific in her searches, but each time the results were as useless as the last. She groaned in annoyance. She sat there pondering for a moment, before turning back to you. "How about you stay over tonight, tomorrow we'll go to the library, and see if we can find something else." She gave you a reassuring smile. You nodded and stood up, ready to retrieve a blanket from Amy's closet.


The next morning, you were woken up by a pleasant smell. Groaning you lifted yourself from Amy's couch. You groggily got up, heading to Amy's bathroom to get yourself together.

Walking into Amy's kitchen, you could see her sipping on a cup of coffee, scrolling on her phone. When she noticed you, she put down her cup and gave you a pleasant smile.

"Morning sunshine~, I made a batch of banana nut muffins for us." She gestured to the cooling muffins on her counter.

Mumbling a thank you, you grabbed a muffin before preparing a coffee of your own.

"Alright, we'll have to head off right after work, no distractions." Amy kept a positive and energetic demeanor, you had no clue how she could this early.

Your morning went without any trouble, much to your satisfaction. You were in the kitchen, humming a song Amy got stuck in your head after playing it in the car that morning.

"You seem better." Your solo was interrupted by Volken's usual short conversation starters.

"Much better actually, I was finally able to talk with Amy." You smiled to yourself. "Is that what... that stunt was?" You shivered slightly at the embarrassment. "Y-yep, sure was." "I'm happy then."

You turned to face him, but he seemed focused on whatever he was cutting. Your smile returned, much softer.



"Ready to go?" Amy asked, waiting for you at the door. "More than ever," you replied already exhausted from this situation.

"Ohh~? Where are you two off to?" You turned around to the curious voice of Aamon. Aamon and his brother were in charge of closing that night.

"We're just searching for something in the library." Amy flashed him a smile.

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