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A/N: I sometimes mix Reader and Name together so it might be a little confusing. But Reader and Name are practically you.

[Name] is a deity revered by the people of a prosperous and tranquil land far away from this realm. She has held this position for countless years, and during this time, her realm has remained untouched by any form of conflict, all thanks to his impenetrable barrier. Those who know of her power dare not step foot in this land, for they fear the consequences that would arise should they try to break the barrier.

It is an obscure fact, one not known by most. [Name] is not who she appears to be. This individual is a true lady, always offering a helping hand to those who need it. Her kindness knows no bounds, and her honesty radiates a warmth that is impossible to ignore. Her beauty, both inside and out, is unparalleled, exceeding the finest of gems in brilliance. No one cannot help but be enchanted by her presence, for she is a shining light in a world of darkness.

Among the gods, some revere her for her kind and compassionate nature, while others scoff at her perceived weakness. They find it absurd that a deity could exist without the desire to cause harm or destruction.

There came a time when the unexpected transpired. She, in her unexpected nature, fell into something she had never anticipated: love

She, in her ill-fated circumstances, had fallen into the clutches of love. Alas, this was no ordinary love, for the target of her affections was Seth, the very god of war and sand. He is renowned for his murderous streak, having slew numerous children and women in cold blood. 

At that moment, [Name] was struck with a spontaneous notion: she would convey her feelings by way of a nightly message, written upon a scroll and clutched in the beak of her snowy white dove.

With trembling hands and an agitated heart, she prepared the letter. Carefully, she then rolled up the parchment and placed it into the beak of her dove, eager to send her message to the object of her affection.

Alas, as soon as the dove took flight, [Name] realized that she had made a grave error. She was giving the letters subconsciously, and she was overcome with embarrassment. In a desperate attempt to recall her dove, it was already too late.

She paused for a moment, finally releasing a deep sigh of relief. In all her excitement, she had neglected to include her name in the letter, leaving her anonymous.

"What does it matter?" she muttered to herself, beginning to grow nervous once again. "I must be the only one with a pet dove, right? Right..? Why am I so worried?"

She shook her head, trying to brush off her paranoia. "No, there's no way anyone could know that it's from me... or that I was the one who sent it."

[Name] gazed with bated breath upon her dear pet dove as it made its exit from her kingdom's barrier. With trepidation in her voice, she muttered a silent plea, "Please, I beg you... release the letter."

She continued to stare at the bird, her heart racing with anticipation. But no, the dove did not hear her.

-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛-

As night fell upon the land, [Name] was preoccupied with troubling thoughts, her pace quickening as she wandered the halls of her chambers. The thought of Seth, the god of war and sand, reading her letter weighed heavily on her mind.

In a sudden flurry of movement, she heard the sound of flapping wings outside of her window. "Ruelle!" she shouted with excitement as she rushed to greet her beloved dove, only to draw back in horror as she witnessed the devastating sight of blood splattered over her dear pet.

[Name] carefully approached her dear pet dove, Ruelle, and knelt down before the window to inspect the bird. As she searched for any outward signs of injury, she let out a sigh of relief upon seeing that the bird appeared unharmed, aside from the crimson blood that was splattered across its snowy white feathers.

"Thank goodness you're alright, Ruelle," she murmured before extending her hand to assist the dove in landing upon it.

The white dove tilted its head to one side as it considered [Name's] extended palm. After a moment of thought, the bird finally stepped onto her tender hand. A look of pure relief came over [Name's] features as she realized that the letter she had given to her pet dove was no longer in her possession. Her thoughts turned to worry as she looked into the eyes of her dear friend Ruelle. "You... you delivered it?" she exclaimed in shock, unable to quite believe that her message had been successfully delivered.

[Name] exhaled deeply and rose from the floor where she had remained, kneeling by her beloved dove, Ruelle. Carefully, she placed the dove on her desk and then grabbed a towel, moistening it with water before wiping away the blood that stained the dove's feathers.

In a quiet, thoughtful voice, she reflected, "If Ruelle's body is covered in blood, Seth must have killed mortals again... So, he did not read my letter..." A sigh of relief left her lips as she leaned against her chair, relishing the thought that the letter she sent to Seth would remain anonymous.

With a light and delicate touch, [Name] carefully wiped away any traces of blood that may have remained on her beloved dove, Ruelle. Once she was satisfied with her cleaning efforts, she turned her attention to the small bird, speaking to it in a gentle and soothing tone.

"You have done more than enough tonight, my dear Ruelle," she said, placing the wet towel carefully aside. "Now, you should rest."

With a final kiss to the beak of her pet, [Name] watched as Ruelle made its way to its cage, finding a comfortable position to settle down for the night. "Rest well," she whispered, a sense of contentment spreading through her as she witnessed the peaceful scene before her.


Secret Dove [ENNEAD x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now