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The first match is scheduled to commence today. As announced, the competition to determine the rightful ruler of Egypt will be decided by a series of three matches. The god that emerges victorious in two or more of these contests will be declared the legitimate king of Egypt.

With that said, Seth and Horus now stood face-to-face within the confines of the arena, all attention focused on them as they prepared for the first showdown.

[Name] sat in a still, contemplative state as she remembered the previous night's events. She had been unable to enter Seth's private chambers after being distracted by what he whispered in her ear, a fleeting moment frozen in her memory.

Meanwhile, her dove, Ruelle, was perched at her side, vigilant like a loyal guardian.

Maat's gaze was affixed on the vase which slowly slid across the table towards her, as she awaited its contents to be revealed. The vase opened, revealing a scroll, which Maat promptly retrieved.

With anticipation, everyone in attendance fixated their gaze on Maat as she read the contents of the scroll.

"The first event will be underwater breath-holding," Maat declared, triggering lively reactions from the crowd.

A collective expression of disbelief washed across the assembled deities, with an exasperated Isis taking to the forefront.

"What a disappointing start this is! Who dared to devise such a mundane challenge?" one god exclaimed, prompting Shu to look offended.

[Name] then threw Shu a questioning glance as she turned to him and whispered, "Seriously?"

"Sounds like it will certainly be a treat!" Ra exclaims excitedly, with a bright smile splashed across her face.

Seth, the god of chaos, grins. Using his sand powers, he raises himself into the sky along with Horus, causing the goddess of wisdom to become entangled in it as well.

"What is it that you're up to, my nephew?" Seth taunts Horus, with a mocking tone. "The river is that way! You'd better give your all in the competition!"

Seth's sand then transforms into a Chariot, with his beasts formed from the same material becoming his horses. He hauls Horus along with him as he enters the river.

Maat let out an exasperated sigh and clasped her hands together as if to express her frustration.

Hathor and Isis stood off in a corner, worried for the safety of Horus.

On the other hand, Ra was having a field day, breaking into a hearty fit of laughter. "Oh, my beloved Seth! He's just so lovable!" She exclaimed, with an infectious energy about her.

Glancing at Ra, [Name] sighed deeply, shaking her head as she gently stroked her dove's feathers and muttered under her breath, "You certainly do love chaos, don't you?" She whispered to herself.

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As Ra's raucous laughter rippled across the sky, the other gods and goddesses watched their antics from their vantage point by the shorelines.

[Name] endeavored to maintain her composure, reassuring herself with the repeated mantra: "It will all work out." A soft smile crept across her lips at the comforting thought, as she caressed her dove once more.

Yet, an ever-present question lingered in her mind: for whom does she feel this nagging concern? The likelihood of it being Horus was practically nonexistent, as she and the young god hadn't established a genuine relationship, let alone a close one. And Seth appeared too robust to require assistance.

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