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As the elevator opened, you were shocked to see a entire CAMPSITE.

"W-W-W-WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!" You shrieked, as you fell to the elevator floor. Seeing a literal FULL ON CAMPSITE was something you did not expect and wasnt ready to prepare for.

You panicked as walking back and fourth the elevator thinking simply wasnt helping. "HOW CAN THIS BE??? ISNT THIS THE WAY TO THE HOTEL?? IS THAT WHAT THE INTERVIEWER SAID WHEN THEY WARNED ME? IS THIS WHY THERE ARE BARELY ANY PEOPLE?? IS IT A DREAM??"

With no other choice (While hoping its all a dream) you stepped in the camp and to your surprise,

it was all real.

The grass felt real, the nostalgic camp air that hit your face was so real. The dry air conditoner elevator air just dissapeared the moment you stepped in.

Looking around, you see tons of coins scattered in the grass , perfect for a broke person like yourself struggling in debt. Who knows, maybe all this money could pay it off. 'Totally not suspicious...' thought as you slowly picked up every coin.

Deciding to explore more, you spot a sign with the words: 'two-stud camp'. What a weird name. From the distance, you see a few silhouetes from far away. But due to how dark the camp is, seeing them is almost impossible. After more coin pick up sessions, you see a creature stand up from the main campfire are and 'walk' into the elevator.

You yelled; "Hey!! Who are you!? Are you one of the staff here?". No answer. Nevertheless, you tried to warn the figure about the elevator.

Suddenly, all lightsource from the camp and the elevator turned off completely. Scared shitless, you ran in a panic to the elevator. But then...


A crash happened nearby. Although still scared, you thought checking the source of the crash wouldn't've be so bad.

Oh boy. It was a UFO.

"??!?!?!" Was all you could say as you silently screamed (You were scared already so props to you losing your voice.) . AN UFO?? You never believed aliens existed as a kid, heck even ufo's. But seeing one of those things in front of you may just proved the delusional kids back in preschool that they were right.

Not only that, but noticing all of those people in the camp disappearing technically made you alone. Great!

From your surprise, a group of UFO's raided the camp, one of them being green. In which all of them just started shooting thick lasers and chasing in random directions and seems to be aiming at someone. Well, who else but YOU. Since you are the only one there, you still stupidly thought who are the ufo's aiming at. Go figure!

When the realization hit you like a dump truck, screaming really hard running around was the only thing you could do. "WHAT IS HAPPENING???!?!" panicked screams echoed the camp. "SOMEONE HELP!! IM GETTING ATTACKED BY ALIENS!! HELLO??"

Having the luck to dodge all those lasers felt like wasting a whole 3 years worth of luck as you ran around thinking on HOW you survived that.

In a blink of an eye you were somehow back in the elevator, with a relieved sigh. 'Jesus.. I managed to survive that. Oh, I wonder who came in the elevator before.' . You turned behind you to reveal...

What seemed to be the most horrifying creature or monster in your entire life. A person? wearing a camp counselor uniform with a bucket on their head with long mutated arms and no legs, along with a tilted smile IN THE SAME ELEVATOR AS YOU.

"WUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHH!!!!! MONSTER, MONSTER!!!!!" backing away to the door in fear, you waved your hands at the creature. "LEAVE, L-LEAVE ME ALONE!".

Swating nervously waiting for that thing...'s answer just made you more freaked out and nervous. "Who are you?! Answer me!"

They replied to you . "Spud's name.. its spud..". Surprised the person? could actually talk considering they had a tilted smile , you kinda felt bad because how you yelled at them earlier only to find out they were a soft spoken person?.

"Oh.... uh... Hi, Spud." You waved awkwardly. "What are you doing in here?"

Spud! looked at you replying , "Spud.. just wants spud to travel... spud spud." You really had to get used in their use of speech.

Maybe you could ask them about this weird elevator! "So, Spud, do you know what this elevator really is and why is it taking it to random places instead of, well .... floors??" . Shaking their head, Spud! held their bucket hat. "Sorry... Spud cant dont know.... Im not .. much of help.."

Feeling really guilty, making Spud reassured was a hard task to do because of how often guilty you feel to poor Spud. "N-no! Its okay. I'll find out myself." "They really dont know anything, huh?"

Facing back at the elevator countdown , you knew you had to face more of these floors from now on.

You had to get used to this new life.






"spud spud.."

Relationship level 0/6



█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 10%







trust level towards Spud! 1/6
███▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 30%


If you want to see another possible route for a certain floor, you must have 5 different floors requested, then you can request the same floor with a different route

request here!

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑!! II Regretevator x readerWhere stories live. Discover now