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You were having quite the fun here

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You were having quite the fun here.

The people you met caring about you, having fun. It was as if you were in a dream.

But the entire time in the elevator, you can feel the curious stares from Prototype and Bive looking at you. 'Darn it...'

 "What a unique specimen you are!!" Prototype comes close to your face. "Tell me more about you!" you nervously backed away. "Whoa there buddy... I just work here. That's all. And totally not for the money..."  you slightly whispered in the end. 

 "GASSP!" Bive shrieked at you. "I KNEW IT!!! I WAS TRUE! YOU ARE WORKING AT A STRANGE ORGANIZATION!!!" You turned to look at Spud in full panic. "SPUD!! HELP .ME .OUT." 

 You were practically sobbing in the elevator as Bive starts spewing words in your face as she grips your shoulders while Prototype tries to pry her off (its not working) and Spud deciding to be a traitor and watch in the distance.

"SPUD! MRHNMGMHF-- HOW DARE YOU!!" You could practically imagine Spud grinning if it wasn't for their deformed face. Prototype lit up. "Oh yeah! Y/N, BZT-" turning to look at him while being completely messed up, you asked back. "What?" "IM NOT DONE YOU-" As you were trying to make Bive quiet by putting your hand to her face. 'why is her face fluffy..... ;['

 "I sense the next floor already with my system!" you were curious on how he knew this. "Is there anything I need to prepare for?" you don't want to die like last time. It was painful. Mentally.

Prototype took your entire body and lifted you up like a child. "WHAOHAOAH!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!" they looked at you blankly. "No offense, but your physique sucks."


 You felt like you got punched in the gut really hard and your stomach got really queasy. "Y-you don't have to tell me that..." "That's what you have to prepare for." Looking back at Prototype at disbelief, you asked. "What so is the next floor literally gonna be a fighting arena?? Is that what you are telling me??"

 Flustered, Prototype reassured you. "Nonono! Its just most of these floors have obstacles. We call them obbies." Bive joined in the conversation. "A lot of them here!!! Gotta get used to it. I wonder who is putting all these... THEY WANT TO KILL US!!"

 Bive turned around and pointed at Spud. "Don't be like THAT deformed monster right there. Also you haven't told me your messed up anatomy yet!" Spud was horrified. "Spud?!"

Spud ran behind you while trying to hug your hand. You were growling at Bive at this point. "HISSSSSS..... AEGHAGHGAGHAE DONT TOUCH MY BABY ARGHAGRHA" "DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO ARGHAGHEGGAEH!1!!!"

 Prototype doesn't know what to do with these people anymore.

  In the midst of the cat vs dog fight, the elevator with it's usual 'ding' signalized that the next floor is up. You turned around. "Wait. I need to go." Looking at Bive menacingly, you growled. "Touch Spud again and I wont listen to your theories."

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑!! II Regretevator x readerWhere stories live. Discover now