Chapter : 9

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They were eventually able to calm her down physically but they knew mentally she was hurt. After sometime she decided to leave. But next day, noone was able to see her. She is not anymore a employee but still they expected her to visit which she didn't.

As the days passed without any sign of Jayti, the members of BTS grew increasingly anxious, their worries mounting with each passing moment. They tried calling and texting her, but their attempts to reach her went unanswered, leaving them feeling helpless and frustrated.

Phone calls went unanswered, messages went unread, and visits to her apartment turned up empty. It was as if she had vanished into thin air, leaving behind only a void of uncertainty and unanswered questions.

In the absence of their beloved colleague, the atmosphere at the company felt emptier, the practice room devoid of the laughter and camaraderie that had once filled its walls. Jin's brow furrowed with concern as he paced the room, his mind filled with unanswered questions and lingering doubts.

"Where could she be?" he muttered, his voice tinged with worry. "She wouldn't just disappear like this without a word."

But despite their best efforts, there was no sign of Jayti, and the members were left to grapple with their own feelings of guilt and remorse. They couldn't shake the feeling that they had failed her, that their own actions had driven her away.

Meanwhile, Jennie's frequent visits to the company only served to exacerbate the tension among the members of BTS. Her presence felt like a constant reminder of Taehyung's betrayal, a painful thorn in their sides that they couldn't seem to shake.

Jimin's jaw clenched with frustration as he watched Jennie chatting with Taehyung in the hallway, her laughter grating on his nerves like nails on a chalkboard. He couldn't understand why she was here, why she insisted on inserting herself into their lives when she had caused them so much pain.

But as Jennie continued to linger, her presence casting a shadow over their already troubled hearts, the members of BTS couldn't help but wonder what her true intentions were, and how her presence would continue to impact their fragile bonds of friendship in the days to come.

As Jennie hovered around Taehyung, the other members couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. They watched with narrowed eyes as she whispered in his ear and clung to his arm, her intentions unclear but unsettling nonetheless. It was as if she was trying to fill the void left by Jayti's absence, her actions only serving to heighten their suspicions.

As Jennie continued to make appearances at the company, the members couldn't help but wonder about her intentions. Was she truly there to support Taehyung, as she claimed, or was there something more to her sudden interest in their affairs? Their suspicions only deepened as they observed her interactions with Taehyung, noting the way she seemed to cling to him at every opportunity.

Despite their misgivings, the members were reluctant to confront Taehyung about Jennie, fearing that it would only serve to further strain their already fragile relationship. Instead, they focused their efforts on finding Jayti, determined to unravel the mystery of her disappearance and bring her back home where she belonged.

But as the days turned into weeks with no sign of Jayti, the members couldn't shake the sinking feeling that something was terribly wrong. They longed for the day when they would see her smiling face again, but until then, they could only wait and hope for her safe return.

But as the days turned into weeks, their search yielded no results, leaving them feeling increasingly helpless and frustrated. They scoured the city, searching every corner and alley in the hopes of finding a clue that would lead them to Jayti's whereabouts. But try as they might, she remained elusive, her disappearance shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. Was she safe? Was she hurt? The questions gnawed at their insides, leaving them restless and anxious for answers.

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