Chapter : 2

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Days went like this for both of them. Her living hope of light and him being arrogant towards love.

Jayti was walking down the sidewalk when she heard a loud noise like an accident. She looked and saw a man lying on the road. Quickly, she ran over to him and helped him up, taking him to the hospital. He wasn't awake at all, so she stayed at the hospital, waiting for him to wake up. The doctors said everything was okay, but the man still didn't wake up, which made Jayti worried. So, she decided to stay at the hospital until he woke up.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, the man finally stirred, slowly regaining consciousness. Jayti's heart skipped a beat as she watched him blink his eyes open, relief flooding through her.

"Are you okay, Sir ?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

The man nodded weakly, managing a faint smile. "Thank you for helping me," he murmured, his voice hoarse.

Jayti felt a wave of gratitude wash over her as she realized that her actions had made a difference. "You're welcome," she replied softly, her eyes shining with emotion.

As the man began to regain his strength, he turned to Jayti with a pleading look in his eyes. "Could you... could you please call my wife?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Without hesitation, Jayti nodded, reaching for her phone. She dialed the number he provided, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for someone to pick up.

When the woman on the other end answered, Jayti took a deep breath, her voice steady as she explained what had happened. The woman's relief was palpable as she listened, and Jayti could hear the gratitude in her voice as she thanked her for taking care of her husband.

With a sense of fulfillment, Jayti handed the phone back to the man, watching as he spoke to his wife, reassurance and love evident in his words. And as she witnessed the heartfelt reunion between husband and wife, Jayti couldn't help but feel a warm glow of satisfaction knowing that she had played a small part in bringing them back together.

As Jayti was engrossed in the touching moment between the man and his wife, the sudden burst of commotion startled her. Kim Taehyung, with a look of panic etched on his face, rushed into the room, flinging the door open without hesitation. His presence disrupted the peaceful atmosphere, causing Jayti to momentarily lose her train of thought.

"What's going on?" Jayti asked, her brow furrowing with concern.

Taehyung's eyes darted around the room frantically before landing on the man lying in the hospital bed. "I just heard about the accident," he explained breathlessly, his voice filled with urgency. "Is he okay?"

As Kim Taehyung burst into the room with frantic urgency, Jayti's eyes widened in shock. She couldn't believe her luck - her favorite idol, Taehyung, standing right before her in the flesh.

For a moment, Jayti was speechless, her mind struggling to process the sudden turn of events. Here she was, in the midst of a tense situation involving a stranger, only to be confronted by the unexpected presence of someone she admired from afar.

Taehyung's eyes darted around the room, his expression a mix of worry and fear. "I just heard about the accident," Is he okay?" he demanded, his voice urgent.

Jayti quickly recovered from her daze, realizing that Taehyung must have some connection to the man she had helped. "He's all right," she replied, gesturing towards the man who lay in the hospital bed, still in the call.

As Taehyung rushed to the man's side, Jayti couldn't help but admire the genuine concern etched on his face. It was a stark contrast to the charismatic persona he displayed on stage, reminding her that even idols were human, with fears and vulnerabilities of their own.

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