Chapter : 19

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As the intensity of the moment began to wane, Taehyung's conscience weighed heavily on him. Despite the fleeting pleasure he found in Jennie's arms, a nagging sense of guilt gnawed at him, reminding him of the promises he had made to himself and the values he held dear. He had married jayti, even if it was a contract but it was a real one and doing something like this was out of his morals.

With a heavy heart, Taehyung gently pulled away from Jennie, his mind clouded with conflicting emotions. He knew that what they had done was wrong, a betrayal of his own integrity and the trust of those he cared about.

"Jennie, I... I have to go," Taehyung murmured, his voice tinged with regret as he stepped back, putting distance between them.

Jennie's expression softened, a flicker of concern crossing her features as she reached out to him. "Tae, are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Taehyung nodded, though the weight of his guilt hung heavy on his shoulders. "I just... I can't do this," he replied softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

With a heavy heart, Taehyung turned and made his way to the door, his footsteps heavy with the weight of his decisions. As he stepped out into the cool night air, he couldn't shake the feeling of remorse that washed over him, knowing that he had betrayed his own values and the trust of those he cared about.

With each step he took, Taehyung resolved to make amends for his actions, to seek forgiveness and redemption for the mistakes he had made. And as he made his way back home, he knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but he was determined to face them head-on, with honesty and integrity guiding his every step.

As Taehyung entered the house, he was greeted by unexpected guests. Shock washed over him; he hadn't anticipated their visit. His mind raced, knowing he hadn't told them about his marriage to Jayti. It was a contract-based arrangement, and they were traditionalists who valued genuine, lifelong commitments. Panic crept in as he wondered how he would navigate this precarious situation without revealing the truth.

Taehyung froze for a moment at the door, his mind racing as he processed the sight before him. Taehyung's heart raced as he stood frozen at the entrance, his eyes darting between his parents and the marriage photo hanging prominently on the wall.

His parents sat on the couch, their expressions a mix of curiosity and mild disapproval, while Jayti, perched on the edge of her seat, looked like a deer caught in headlights. The tension in the room was palpable.

"Taehyung!" his mother exclaimed, rising to her feet. "Why didn't you tell us you got married?"

His father remained seated, his eyes narrowed as he studied Jayti. Taehyung swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. He forced a smile and stepped further into the room, closing the door behind him.

"Mom, Dad, this is a surprise," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I didn't expect you to visit."

His mother frowned. "We thought we'd surprise you. But it seems you have surprises of your own."

Jayti glanced at Taehyung, her eyes pleading for some direction. He moved to her side, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Mom, Dad, this is Jayti, my... wife," he said, the words feeling foreign and heavy on his tongue. "We had to keep the marriage quiet for a while because of the company policies. You know the idol's privacy. "

His father's gaze shifted to the framed wedding photo on the mantle. "And why wasn't your family invited to the wedding?" he asked, his tone sharp.

Taehyung took a deep breath. "It was a small, private ceremony. We didn't want to make a big fuss."

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