Chapter : 18

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As Jayti pondered her situation, she realized that she couldn't change Taehyung's attitude, but she could control how she responded to it. She took a deep breath, determined to stay strong despite the challenges ahead.

In the days that followed, Jayti focused on small acts of kindness, hoping to thaw Taehyung's icy demeanor. She cooked his favorite meals with extra care and tidied up their home with meticulous attention to detail.

Despite her efforts, Taehyung remained distant, his coldness a constant barrier between them. Yet, Jayti refused to give up. She continued to pour her energy into her work and her home, finding solace in the little moments of joy she discovered along the way. She managed her study and house and Also joined a part time job through which she can afford herself.

But the main surprising thing was that taehyung was unaware of all the things going with jayti. He thought she was always staying in house, wasting his money and enjoying her life in her fullest.

Slowly but surely, Jayti began to find her voice within the confines of her marriage. She spoke up for herself when necessary, refusing to be silenced by Taehyung's disapproval.

As time passed, Jayti realized that she was stronger than she had ever imagined. She had faced adversity head-on and emerged with a newfound sense of resilience.

As the shift got off, she hurried came out buying some of the famous and popular pastries in the cafe, she is working. She looked at the watch and back to the bus arriving. " Perfect timing", she muttered smiling to herself before getting into the bus.

As Jayti entered the practice room, she was greeted by the sight of BTS engrossed in their rehearsal. Smiling warmly, she approached them, her arms laden with pastries and croissants.

"Hey, everyone!" Jayti called out, drawing their attention. "I thought I'd bring some snacks to fuel your practice session."

The members of BTS looked up from their rehearsal, their faces lighting up at the sight of the treats Jayti had brought. "Wow, Jayti, you're a lifesaver!" Jimin exclaimed, eagerly reaching for a croissant.

"Thanks, Jayti," Jin chimed in, his mouth already full of pastry. "You always know how to brighten our day."

Jayti grinned at their enthusiastic response, feeling a sense of satisfaction at being able to contribute to their practice session. As the members of BTS indulged in the snacks she had brought, Jayti settled in to watch. Despite the long hours and hard work, moments like these made it all worthwhile for Jayti.

As the members of BTS enjoyed the snacks Jayti had brought, conversation flowed easily between them. Yoongi, usually reserved in such settings, couldn't help but speak up.

"These croissants are amazing, Jayti," he said, a genuine smile gracing his lips as he reached for another. "Where did you get them?"

Jayti returned his smile, pleased by his compliment. "I picked them up from that little bakery down the street from my part-time job," she replied. "I thought you all might appreciate a little treat during your practice."

RM nodded in agreement, a glint of appreciation in his eyes. "Well, we certainly do," he said, popping a pastry into his mouth with relish. "It's nice to have a break from our usual routine."

The atmosphere in the practice room was relaxed and jovial as the members of BTS savored the pastries and engaged in light conversation. For Jayti, it was a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of her part-time job, a chance to unwind and enjoy the company of her friends.

As Jayti glanced around the practice room, she couldn't help but notice Taehyung's absence. "Hey, where's Tae?" she asked, furrowing her brow in confusion.

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