chapter twelve: a tea invitation ii

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“What ever for?” nagtatakang tanong ko.

Binigyan naman ako ng isang hindi makapaniwalang tingin ng aking ina na sinagutan ko rin ng isang hindi makapaniwalang tingin.

“Are you seriously asking me that?” hindi makapaniwalang tanong niya.

I mean if you know the answer to that question, by all means answer it, Mother. ‘Tis I am also very much confused and could not recall any reason why the Crown Prince would invite me to any gathering, much more a tea gathering!

“My apologies, Mother. I shall excuse myself and prepare to depart for the tea party,” I apologize and bowed in front of her before exiting the drawing room and went straight back to my room to once again, change my clothes.

I’m getting tired of this. Is the Crown Prince inviting me to torment me because of my drunk confession on Jewel’s birthday?

“What would you like to wear, My Lady?” Clarisse asked as she pulled over a rack containing dresses that I can choose from.

“Anything that is less fancy and has little jewelry in it,” I answered nonchalantly. I can see how Clarisse shakes her head in disagreement in my peripheral vision.

When I turn to look at her, she is now busy rummaging the rack of dresses trying to... find something.

I don't want to dress anything grand that would irritate someone on the street, especially the Crown Prince. A plain dress would suffice for this gathering, although Clarisse might have a different opinion about it.

After two minutes of rummaging, her forehead no longer wrinkled and a bright smile instantly plastered in her face as she took a dress, which I believe to her liking, out of the rack and showed it to me.

“This is a dress suitable for the occasion, My Lady! Won't you agree?” she excitedly asked as she showed me what seems to be like a wedding gown, but in red instead of white filled with rubies and other... things.

All of the energy that's left in me to even heed and join the Crown Prince for tea instantly vanished. I just wished time would stop at this very moment so I can sleep and not to go to the Palace for tea in the afternoon!

“My lady? Do you not like it?” Clarisse's asked, worried. I am not entirely sure which part of this scenario is she even worrying about.

Is it me not liking the dress to the point of not wanting to go to the Palace or—no. There is no or. I don't absolutely like the dress to the point of wanting the time to just simply freeze and take a nap instead of having tea with the Crown Prince.

But do I have the option to say no? No. Do I have the power to decline the invitation? Yes. But will my mother even allow me to decline the invitation? Absolutely no. What choice do I have but sit here and smile.

“It’s lovely, Clarisse. But I am not planning to stop the Crown Prince’s marriage to another Lady, I am simply only joining him for an afternoon tea. Don't you think this dress does not really fit the...  occasion?” I answered calmly. She looked at me and then looked at the dress and sighed.

She nod sadly and placed the dress back to the rack. I stood up and walked towards her to find a dress to wear to the occasion myself.

I simply picked a dress that seems alright with me and asked Clarisse to help me change to it. It took another hour before I'm all prim and proper to meet the Crown Prince.

Before going down, I went to the room next to me where Damien is currently staying. However, when I entered, he is not in the room.

“Are you looking for Damien, My Lady?” Clarisse asked, I faced her and nod.

“He should be resting right now,” I stated.

“He’s currently in the kitchen talking to the head chief and well... eating,” she answered.

“I see. Well, I better leave him be then. Watch over him for me, Clarisse,” I said and make my way down to the front door.

“Won’t I be going with you, My Lady?” Clarisse asked to which I nod.

“You don’t have to. My visit to the palace will be very brief,” I answered and went outside.

The Royal Carriage is waiting at the front of our doorsteps, and when the coachman saw me, he instantly opened the door for me to enter.

“I shall be leaving now,” I said before entering the carriage. I wave at Clarisse who’s still standing in front of the door and is waving back at me.

My mother’s figure is very visible through the glass door of the drawing room as she watch the carriage with me in it, leave the estate.

I can't help but overthink all possible reason why the Crown Prince would invite me to an afternoon tea. Me! To an afternoon tea!

“This must really be because of what happened during Jewel’s birthday! Is he going to punish me or something? Will there be poison in the tea that he will be serving? Will it only be us so that no one would know?” I insanely asked myself, pondering wether to really go to the palace or jump out of this carriage to save my life from possible misfortune that awaits me.

“It can't be those. He’s the Crown Prince! I am also the only daughter of the Marquess! He can't kill me. No he can't, he obviously can't. He can’t... right?” I whispered, telling myself everything will be alright... I guess??

‘I returned back to the past, to make sure Jewel get her happy ending with Lord Henston, and me not dying way too early!’

“We are already here, Lady Gabriella,” the coachman grabbed my attention.

I did not notice that we are already in the palace at all. I must have been really so focus about this whole set up that’s about to unfold.

I need to focus, if I notice anything suspicious, I'll immediately leave.

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