Marc's POV: Early Hours

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Marc Spector x Reader

Summary: Marc's been out on a long night and barely slept, but someone still finds it reasonable to knock his door in the early hours.


The apartment was eerily quiet. It didn't bother him to be waking up alone. What did bother him was the unsettling feeling he got from a night of bad sleep. Brain couldn't quite shut off, couldn't quite relax. Saw danger in corners of the room where there weren't any. Drinking had dulled the sensation but didn't quite take it away completely. Just one of those nights.

He checked his phone to see the time and counted maybe three hours since he'd gotten home. Khonshu had him out most nights. Something was going on with him but Marc knew better than to ask too many questions. Maybe that was why he wasn't sleeping.

Place was dark, the sun hadn't quite peeked up over the morning horizon or bled in through the windows yet. Far too early to be crawling out of bed and poking Steven to make his cup of tea and go about his morning routines. Marc being more of a coffee person was disappointed in himself for not buying more when he had the chance. Coffee was just the latest in a string of regrets playing on his mind.

The thudding of his front door came as he danced between reality and returning to one of his dreams. Neither one he particularly wanted to be in. It snapped him alert, but without the urgency of a door breaking down or anyone trying to kill him, he rolled over and tried to ignore it.

Whoever it was, they were insistent. After another moment he sighed and climbed out of bed to go see. Kicking over one of the empty bottles by the bed in a loud clatter. Thankfully Steven had dressed them in plain baggy pajamas so that was one less problem to deal with.

A moment later, the gentle clatter of locks being unlatched, and soon Marc was cracking the door open. Peering back out into the dark hallway he caught a familiar face.

"What are you doin' up?" A mixture of uncertainty and lack of surprise in his voice. "It's 5 fuckin' am." Even with the dismay in his tone, he stepped back and opened the door more fully to let them in.

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